Based on the search results, the typical battery size for a Toyota Corolla 1.3L is a 12V 55Ah lead-acid battery. The EXIDE 12V Car Battery for R1870 and Yuasa Kle YTX14-BS Motorcycle BATTERY for R699 would be suitable replacements. The EXIDE is a reputable car battery brand that will provide reliable starting power. The Yuasa is also a quality brand and its smaller size may fit better in some engine bays. I hope these battery options are helpful for keeping your Corolla on the road. Please let me know if you need any other details.
Based on the search results, I would recommend either the Luminous 12V 180AH Flooded Tall Tubular Battery or the EXIDE 12V Car Battery for your Toyota Corolla. The Luminous battery has a large 180Ah capacity, meaning it will provide plenty of power to start your car and also has tolerance for frequent power cuts. It uses a tubular plate design for maximum power output. At R5279 it is a high-quality option. The EXIDE battery at R1870 is more affordable. EXIDE is a trusted brand and their 646 model battery would suit your Toyota Corolla well. Both of these batteries are a 12V option as typically required for your vehicle. Let me know if you need any other details on these battery recommendations or have additional questions!