Want to gain weight, which protein is suitable for me?

Based on your goal of gaining weight, I would recommend looking at whey protein isolates or plant-based proteins which have a high concentration of protein per serving. Two excellent options from the search results are the Vegan Protein Powder 550G for R349 or the My Wellness Vegan Protein Powder 900G - Chocolate for R299. These powder proteins have 25g-30g of protein per serving which is ideal for muscle building and weight gain. The vegan proteins also have no lactose which some people want to avoid. I hope these suggestions are helpful in finding a protein that meets your needs and goals! Let me know if you need any other recommendations.

How does it affect my diet

Here's how a protein powder can fit into your diet goals for weight gain: Both the Vegan Protein Powder 550G for R349 and My Wellness Vegan Protein Powder 900G - Chocolate for R299 that I mentioned earlier would be great options. They have 25-30g of protein per serving to support building muscle as you aim to gain weight. You'll want to have one or two servings per day as snacks or mini-meals, in addition to your regular meals. This extra protein can help you feel fuller while getting extra calories in to see the weight changes you're looking for. Make sure the rest of your diet contains healthy fats and carbohydrates for energy too. Let me know if you need any other suggestions!

Are there any side effects

When it comes to protein powders, the main side effects to be aware of relate to digestive discomfort if your body is not used to a high protein diet. Most people can easily adjust by starting with a lower serving size and building up gradually. The My Wellness Vegan Protein Powder appears to be a very suitable and affordable option for you. It provides 30g of protein from pea, rice and hemp to support muscle growth without animal products. 1-2 servings per day blended into smoothies or shakes should provide extra nutrition while minimising any digestive issues as your body adjusts to the higher protein intake. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Mixing the powder with plain Yorghut is it ok

Yes, mixing protein powder with plain yogurt is absolutely fine. The My Wellness Vegan Protein Powder at R299 for 900g would be a great option as it is vegan and easy to mix with yogurt. The protein and thickness from the powder will help you feel fuller while enjoying the yogurt. Just be sure to blend or shake well to fully combine. Starting with 1-2 scoops per yogurt serving is a good place to start. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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