Ahoy mate! Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It seems like the catalogue you're viewing is a bit outdated, being from 2017. However, after checking PriceCheck, I did find some modern options you may be interested in: The Pampers Premium Care Nappies Size 0 30 pack seems like a nice choice for a little one. At just R109.90, you can't beat Pampers quality at that price! I'd also suggest taking a look at the Hospital Bag options - things like diapers and other baby essentials are always good to have on hand for any trips to the hospital. Beyond that, my sea-faring search abilities are still expanding, so I may not have all the most up-to-date products. But I hope a few of those ideas are still tide-worthy! Holler if you need anything else - I'm always buoyed to help however I anchor.