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All across the globe, companies large and small are making a tremendous difference in the lives of others and, in turn, are enhancing employee performance, boosting morale, lowering turnover, and heightening brand
This volume takes readers inside the high-stakes game of public-private partnerships for major league sports facilities, explaining why some cities made better deals than others, assessing the best practices and common pitfalls
Until now, no textbook on TQ has emerged that was written specifically for the healthcare industry. The Textbook of TQ in Healthcare is the first true text prepared by healthcare professionals for
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This book is a comprehensive guide for developing an effective preventive maintenance program for any facility. Topics include facility inspection and assessment, effective lubrication practices, commercial roofing repair, indoor air quality management,
Through the focus on organizational space, using the reception and significance of the seminal work on the subject by sociologist Henri Lefebvre, this book demonstrates why and how Lefebvre's work can be
According to Jim Hoopes, the fundamental principles on which business is based-authority, power, control-are increasingly at odds with principles of life in a democratic society-freedom, equality, individualism. False Prophets critically examines the
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Throughout the 20th century, American corporations were governed by autocratic, almost unaccountable chief executives. Their word was law, and the only check on their power was a board of directors composed of
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Filled with tips and survival skills from writers and fund-raising officers at nonprofits of all sizes, Writing for a Good Cause is the first book to explain how to use words well
This monograph contributes to the field of institutional change and property rights reform in (former) socialist economies with particular reference to China. Studying institutional change regardless of whether it is focused on
China's recent economic reforms have led to impressive growth, and an unprecedented enthusiasm for establishing foreign enterprises in China. Since 1993, China has been the second largest recipient of foreign direct investment
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The importance of balance as a leader by the #1 New York Times bestselling authors of Extreme Ownership.Every leader must be ready and willing to take charge, to make hard, crucial calls
A complete guide to operating a corporate treasury from a global perspective For CFOs and treasurers looking to re-align their treasuries with the growth of the global firm, bankers who seek to
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Your organizational transformation begins here! Comprehensive, detailed, and easy to read and understand, How to Succeed with Continuous Improvement takes you through a real-life case study of one organizations journey to a
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Effective Project Management in easy steps will show you how to make sure your project is successful. It focuses on the key skills a manager needs to develop in order to make
Since the early 1990s interest in foresight has undergone one of its periodic resurgences and has led to a rapid growth in formal foresight studies backed by governments and transnational institutions, including
How do we measure African economic performance? This volume studies how growth is measured in Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia and challenges commonly held beliefs of African economic performance. The volume offers
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How can you tell a true leader from one who just talks a good game? It's a true leader who makes his or her vision a reality--achieving great results that bring the
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