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What does Carl Schmitt have to offer to ongoing debates about sovereignty, globalization, spatiality, the nature of the political, and political theology? Can Schmitts positions and concepts offer insights that might help
Situating privacy within the context of political philosophy, this book highlights the way in which struggles concerning the meaning of privacy have always been political. Different conceptions of privacy are here shown
Broken Landscape is a sweeping chronicle of Indian tribal sovereignty under the United States Constitution and the way that legislators have interpreted and misinterpreted tribal sovereignty since the nation's founding. Frank Pommersheim,
In 2004, a judgment from the highest court in the UK gave birth to a new era of privacy law. That case, brought by the supermodel Naomi Campbell against Mirror Group Newspapers,
There has been an exponential rise in the use of ICA for resolving international business disputes, yet international arbitration is a scarcely regulated, specialty industry. International Commercial Arbitration: An Asia Pacific Perspective
'A new roadmap for understanding the diverse perspectives and disparate bodies of law involved in any legal regime aimed at encouraging people in organisations to speak up about wrongdoing, making it possible
Kieran Dolin introduces the interdisciplinary study of law and literature and charts the history of the shifting relations between the two disciplines, from the open affiliation between literature and law in the
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