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This book provides a leading point of reference in the field of partial defences to murder and with respect to the mental condition defences of loss of control and diminished responsibility in
International Law
This authoritative guide to the Geneva Securities Convention is the first and only UNIDROIT backed analysis of the content of the international treaty. It streamlines the otherwise complicated and numerous transactions of
This book examines the relationship between intellectual property in pharmaceuticals and access to medicines from a human rights perspective, with a view to contributing to the development of a human rights framework
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A Human Rights Framework For Intellectual Property Innovation And Access To Medicines Paperback
Drawing upon theories of critical legal pluralism and psychological theories of narrative identity, this book argues for an understanding of popular culture as legal authority, unmediated by translation into state law. In
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Popular Culture And Legal Pluralism - Narrative As Law Hardcover New Ed
Constitutional Law
Jefferson's Freeholders explores the historical processes by which Virginia was transformed from a British colony into a Southern slave state. It focuses on changing conceptualizations of ownership and emphasizes the persistent influence
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Jefferson& 39 S Freeholders And The Politics Of Ownership In The Old Dominion Paperback
Constitutional Law
Advancing legal scholarship in the area of mixed legal systems, as well as comparative law more generally, this book expands the comparative study of the worlds legal families to those of jurisdictions
International Law
In this era of globalisation, different legal systems and structures no longer operate within their own jurisdictions. The effects of decisions, policies and political developments are having an increasingly wide-reaching impact. Nowhere
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Transnational Law - Rethinking European Law And Legal Thinking Hardcover
International Law
Drawing on philosophy, history, and critical theory, Unconditional Life introduces a new perspective on the significance of post-war international law developments. The book examines the public discourse regarding technological risk in World
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Unconditional Life - The Postwar International Law Settlement Hardcover
Constitutional Law
Adopting a multi-disciplinary and comparative approach, this book focuses on the emerging and innovative aspects of attempts to target the accumulated assets of those engaged in criminal and terrorist activity, organized crime
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Dirty Assets - Emerging Issues In The Regulation Of Criminal And Terrorist Assets Hardcover New Ed
International Law
'The book gives detailed discussions of essential EU climate law and presents profound national reports which cover the transposition of EU law and focus on national climate strategies, which are often complex
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Climate Law In Eu Member States - Towards National Legislation For Climate Protection Hardcover
Constitutional Law
In many countries camera surveillance has become commonplace, and ordinary citizens and consumers are increasingly aware that they are under surveillance in everyday life. Camera surveillance is typically perceived as the archetype
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Eyes Everywhere - The Global Growth Of Camera Surveillance Paperback New
Criminal Law
This essential handbook on international arbitration has been updated to include a new chapter on investment treaty arbitration, detailing the kind of investments which are covered by investment treaties, persons to whom
International Law
Today, international investment law consists of a network of multifaceted, multilayered international treaties that, in one way or another, involve virtually every country of the world. The evolution of this network raises
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Yearbook On International Investment Law & Policy 2012-2013 Hardcover
International Law
In the wake of Guantanamo Bay, extraordinary renditions, and secret torture centres in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, Revenge versus Legality addresses the relationship between law and wild or vigilante justice; between the
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Revenge Versus Legality - Wild Justice From Balzac To Clint Eastwood And Abu Ghraib Paperback
Constitutional Law
Justice as Improvisation: The Law of the Extempore theorises the relationship between justice and improvisation through the case of the New York City cabaret laws. Discourses around improvisation often imprison it in
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Justice As Improvisation - The Law Of The Extempore Hardcover New
Constitutional Law
Forensic Mental Health Professionals have entered the fray of child custody litigation in ways that could not have been predicted even a decade ago. Traditionally engaged as neutral court appointed evaluators or
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Forensic Mental Health Consulting In Family Law - Part Of The Problem Or Part Of The Solution? Hardcover
It is generally assumed that we are justified in punishing criminals because they have committed a morally wrongful act. Determining when criminal liability should be imposed calls for a moral assessment of
Constitutional Law
Examining the law and public policy relating to religious liberty in Western liberal democracies, this book contains a detailed analysis of the history, rationale, scope, and limits of religious freedom from (but
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Religious Freedom In The Liberal State Paperback 2ND Revised Edition
Constitutional Law
Launching a major new research project examining the principles of succession law in comparative perspective, this book discusses the formalities which the law imposes in order for a person to make a
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International Law
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The digital era shows an unprecedented worldwide flow of data within multinational companies and their external service providers. Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) are designed to allow these companies to transfer personal data
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