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A Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered, Entrenched, or Blended takes the reader on a fascinating voyage of discovery. It includes case studies of a number of systems from across the globe:
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A Study Of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered Entrenched Or Blended Paperback
International Law
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This book brings together the top international sales law scholars from twenty-three countries to review the Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods (CISG) and its role in the unification of
International Law
Over the past two decades or so, legal literature has devoted much attention to various human rights issues at both the national and international levels. Yet there has been comparatively little written
International Law
International maritime law is far from inert, everyday international affairs constantly test existing law and, in many occasions, require its development. Serving the Rule of International Maritime Law is thus not limited
International Law
This is the first volume of a series, Current Legal Issues. It explores the relationship of law and science, with a particular focus on the role of science as evidence. Scientific evidence
International Law
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 is one of the most highly ratified human rights treaties in the world, with 192 states currently signed up to it.
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Children And International Human Rights Law - The Right Of The Child To Be Heard Hardcover New
International Law
Over the past half century, western democracies have lead efforts to entrench the economic and political values of liberal democracy into the foundations of European and international public order. As this book
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European And International Media Law - Liberal Democracy Trade And The New Media Hardcover New
International Law
This book examines how slavery is understood in law. It shows how the legal definition of slavery has evolved and continues to be contentious. It traces the understanding of slavery from Roman
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The Legal Understanding Of Slavery - From The Historical To The Contemporary Hardcover New
International Law
The Study Group on a European Civil Code has taken upon itself the task of drafting common European principles for the most important aspects of the law of obligations and for certain
International Law
The European Convention on Human Rights has had a significant impact on the courts of the Member States of the Council of Europe. the aim of the present study is threefold. First,
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European Human Rights Convention In Domestic Law - A Comparative Study Paperback Revised
International Law
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Does public service liberalization pose a threat to gender and human rights? Traditionally considered essential services provided by a state to its citizens, public services are often viewed as public goods which
International Law
The Principles and Practice of International Aviation Law provides an introduction to, and demystification of, the private and public dimensions of international aviation law. Unlike other global sectors, the air transport industry
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The Principles And Practice Of International Aviation Law Hardcover New
International Law
This book is one of the first studies in the new field of the sociology of human rights,and it centres its analysis on labour rights. Such rights are of critical importance in
International Law
Law's ideas of nature appear in different doctrinal and institutional settings, historical periods, and political dialogues. Nature underlies every behavior, contract, or form of wealth, and in this broad sense influences every
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Environmental Law And Contrasting Ideas Of Nature - A Constructivist Approach Hardcover
International Law
The third edition of The WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures collects together the treaty texts, decisions and agreed practices relating to the procedures that apply in the settlement of WTO disputes. It affords
International Law
When property rights and environmental legislation clash, what side should the Rule of Law weigh in on? It is from this point that Jeremy Waldron explores the Rule of Law both from
International Law
This comparison of EU and WTO approaches to common trade-liberalisation challenges brings together eighteen authors from Europe and America. Together they explore fundamental legal issues, such as the role of general principles
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Liberalising Trade In The Eu And The Wto - A Legal Comparison Paperback
International Law
Despite being an important legal instrument in the law of the WTO, the waiver has hitherto been the subject of little scholarly analysis. Isabel Feichtner fills this gap by challenging the conventional
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The Law And Politics Of Wto Waivers - Stability And Flexibility In Public International Law Paperback
International Law
Does public service liberalization pose a threat to gender and human rights? Traditionally considered essential services provided by a state to its citizens, public services are often viewed as public goods which
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Public Services And International Trade Liberalization - Human Rights And Gender Implications Paperback
International Law
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The legal recognition of the housing, land, and property rights of refugees and displaced persons has expanded steadily in recent years as the realization has grown that securing these rights will be
International Law