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Looking at the relationship between bank and customer, this volume examines laws pertaining to the disposition of funds by checks and credit transfers, covering both paper-based and electronic payments. The work addresses
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Bank Collections And Payment Transactions - A Comparative Legal Analysis Hardcover
International Law
This work looks at international treaty law pertaining to the Internet and E-commerce. It offers an article-by-article analysis of the two key World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaties on the subject: the
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This collection of essays celebrates the life and work of Peter Birks. Widely known as one of the most prolific legal scholars for over twenty years, his contribution to English obligations law
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Adopting a comparative, international approach, Third Parties in International Commercial Arbitration is predominantly concerned with the impact of arbitration proceedings and arbitral awards upon third parties. The role of the third party
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Third Parties In International Commercial Arbitration Hardcover New
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Private persons often stand surety for a business debt incurred by family members, friends, or employers. These suretyships are commonly banking guarantees contracted by means of standard terms. Sometimes the guarantor signs
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Regulating Unfair Banking Practices In Europe - The Case Of Personal Suretyships Hardcover
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As the Kadi-hype following the 2008 European Court of Justice judgment demonstrated, there are many problems associated with the judicial review of acts of international organizations. This book is the first to
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Challenging Acts Of International Organizations Before National Courts Hardcover
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Studies of corporate governance traditionally focus on the governance problems of large publicly held firms, and policymakers' recommendations often focus on such firms. However most small firms, and in many countries, even
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From Dissonance To Sense - Welfare State Expectations Privatisation And Private Law Paperback
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Human Rights And The Private Sphere Vol 1 - A Comparative Study Paperback
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Whatever your background, if you seek an understanding of the legal system of the United States, this is the book for you. American Law in a Global Context is an elegant and
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The Supreme Court has continued to write constitutional history over the thirteen years since publication of the highly acclaimed first edition of The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court. Two new justices
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The Oxford Companion To The Supreme Court Of The United States Hardcover 2ND Revised Edition
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The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, which has been called the most significant arbitral body in history, celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2006. As of mid-2005, the Tribunal had issued over 800 awards
International Law
An ideal supplement for professors who wish to incorporate comparative law into their constitutional law courses, Global Perspectives on Constitutional Law introduces students to the various ways that nations other than the
International Law
With increased international trade transactions and a corresponding increase in disputes arising from those transactions, the application of the doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens - the discretionary power of a court to
International Law
The CISG is the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; a treaty ratified by about 70 countries that provides a uniform international sales law. The occasion of
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This volume brings together significant contributions from leading voices in academia, the legal profession and government on the increasingly important topic of international investment and the legal system in which it operates.
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Appeals Mechanism In International Investment Disputes Hardcover New
International Law