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New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms brings together various approaches to the contextualized teaching of grammar and communicative skills as integrated components of second language instruction. Its purpose is
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Doing Research in Applied Linguistics: Realities, dilemmas, and solutions provides insight and guidance for those undertaking research, and shows the reader how to deal with the challenges of this research involving
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Doing Research In Applied Linguistics - Realities Dilemmas And Solutions Paperback
Higher education functions in a global environment of consumers, employees, competitors and partners. It has been a force for globalization and a model for adaptation, but nonetheless faces challenges. This volume of
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This book is the first edited volume devoted exclusively to career counseling with African Americans. African Americans are now at parity with the graduation rates of White Americans, yet disparities in employment
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An inspiring account of ordinary teachers who are doing extraordinary things that could transform educationWhat School Could Be offers an inspiring vision of what our teachers and students can accomplish if trusted
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Introduction toCritical Reflection and Action for Teacher Researchers provides crucial direction for educators looking to improve their teaching and maximise learning. While many students can grasp the basic elements of researching their
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Introduction To Critical Reflection And Action For Teacher Researchers Paperback
Discover strategies for positive partnering with all parents?even the difficult ones! Creating successful relationships with all parents, including the most hard-to-handle ones, can be challenging for any educator. This book provides
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A comprehensive, reproducible book for teaching the letters of the alphabet! Each letter chapter contains: Large capital and lower case letters! Numerous ideas and activities for promoting fine and gross motor skills
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Letter Of The Week Paperback
A comprehensive guide and workbook for improving ESL/EFL students' understanding of English articles, The Article Book can be used as either a supplement to any ESL/EFL core text or as a self-study
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The Article Book - Practice Toward Mastering A An And The Paperback Revised Ed.
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Your shortcut to success for inspired school leadership! Tap your greatest leadership potential and quickly get on track to meeting todays complicated challenges with this follow up to the best-selling Learning Forward
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Leading Every Day - Actions For Effective Leadership Paperback 3RD Revised Edition
This book showcases programs and practices which demonstrate exemplary school leadership. Sponsored by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium, the ISLLC Standards offer benchmarks for professional excellence that are tied to licensure
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Isllc Standards In Action The - A Principal& 39 S Handbook Paperback
Showcasing a new methodology in language learning and identity research, this carefully conceptualized, innovative book explicates the use of autoethnography as a way of re-imagining ones sense of linguistic and cultural identity.
Demonstrating the power of teaching global literature from a critical literacy perspective, this book explores the ways that K-6 educators can infuse diverse texts into their classrooms and find support for their
Professor Engestr*m's exciting approach sees expansive learning as the central mechanism of transformation in societal practices and institutions. For researchers and practitioners in education, this book provides a conceptual and practical toolkit
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***Your #1 HiSET Practice Test Resource*** HiSET Exam Practice Questions are the simplest way to prepare for the HiSET test. Practice is an essential part of preparing for a test and improving
Cambridge English for Nursing Pre-intermediate (CEF level A2) is designed to improve the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of healthcare professionals, enabling them to work more confidently and effectively.
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This volume explores why natural places such as caves, mountains, springs and rivers assumed a sacred character in European prehistory, and how the evidence for this can be analysed in the field.
Toward What Justice? brings together compelling ideas from a wide range of intellectual traditions in education to discuss corresponding and sometimes competing definitions of justice. Leading scholars articulate new ideas and challenge
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Toward What Justice? - Describing Diverse Dreams Of Justice In Education Paperback
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In Peer Feedback in the Classroom, National Board Certified Teacher Starr Sackstein explores the powerful role peer feedback can play in learning and teaching. Peer feedback gives students control over their learning,
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It's time to move our assessment practices from the 1950s to the century we're living in. It's time to invest in our teachers and local school leaders instead of in more tests.