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Michael Oakeshott (1901-1990) was one of the leading British philosophers of the twentieth century. He has been influential particularly as a political philosopher, but his work reflects a range of philosophical interests
The central theme of this collection of essays, first published in 1978, is the basic tension in Nietzsche, and so in his work, between the urge to weave a satisfying web out
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Nietzsche: Imagery And Thought - A Collection Of Essays Paperback
Proclus' commentary on Plato's dialogue Timaeus is arguably the most important commentary on a text of Plato, offering unparalleled insights into eight centuries of Platonic interpretation. It has had an enormous influence
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Proclus: Commentary On Plato& 39 S Timaeus: Volume 5 Book 4 Paperback
Unfinished Music draws its inspiration from the riddling aphorism by Walter Benjamin that serves as its epigraph: the work is the death mask of its conception. The work in its finished, perfected
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Unfinished Music Paperback
The fourth volume of Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is devoted to essays in honor of Professor John Ackrill on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Contributors include: David Wiggins, Colin Strand,
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Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosophy: Volume Iv - A Festschrift For J. L. Ackrill 1986 Hardcover
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is an annual publication which includes original articles, which may be of substantial length, on a wide range of topics in ancient philosophy, and review articles of
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Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosophy: Volume Xi: 1993 Hardcover 1993
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is a annual (from 2000 twice yearly) volume of original articles on all aspects of ancient philosophy. The articles may be of substantial length, and include critical
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Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosophy: Volume Xvii 1999 Hardcover 1999
This special supplementary volume of Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy contains the proceedings of the Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy held at Oberlin, Ohio in 1986. The exceptionally high quality of the papers,
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Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosophy: Supplementary Volume: 1988 Hardcover
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy is an annual publication which includes original articles, which may be of substantial length, on a wide range of topics in ancient philosophy, and review articles of
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Oxford Studies In Ancient Philosophy: Volume Viii: 1990 Hardcover 1990
The central argument of this book is that Hannah Arendt's deserved place in the history of Western philosophy has been overlooked, and recognition of her contribution is long overdue. In part a
First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor Francis, an informa company.
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Hegel& 39 S Philosophy Of Nature - Volume II Edited By M J Petry Paperback
How does God think? How, ideally, does a human mind function? Must a gap remain between these two paradigms of rationality? Such questions exercised the greatest ancient philosophers, including those featured in
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Ancient Models Of Mind - Studies In Human And Divine Rationality Paperback
Eclecticism is a concept widely used in the history of ancient philosophy to describe the intellectual stance of diverse thinkers such as Plutarch, Cicero and Seneca. In this book the historical and
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Potamo Of Alexandria And The Emergence Of Eclecticism In Late Hellenistic Philosophy Paperback
One of the most widely studied texts of ancient philosophy and politics, Plato's Laws is his last and most substantial dialogue, debating crucial questions on the subject of law-giving and education. This
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The Laws Of Plato - Edited With An Introduction Notes Etc. Paperback
Sixty years after its first edition, there is an increasing consensus among scholars that the work posthumously published as Philosophical Investigations represents something that is far from a complete picture of Wittgenstein's
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The Textual Genesis Of Wittgenstein& 39 S Philosophical Investigations Hardcover New
This series is dedicated to the timely publication of new work in this highly fertile field of philosophy. The subject is broadly construed, taken to include not only perennially central topics (modality,
While the phrase metaphysics of science has been used from time to time, it has only recently begun to denote a specific research area where metaphysics meets philosophy of science-and the sciences
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Properties Powers And Structures - Issues In The Metaphysics Of Realism Paperback
Current Controversies in Political Philosophy brings together an international team of leading philosophers to explore and debate four key and dynamic issues in the field in an accessible way. Should we all
This volume, which is part of the Clarendon Aristotle Series, offers a clear and faithful new translation of Books II to IV of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, accompanied by an analytical commentary focusing
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Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Books Ii-iv - Translated With An Introduction And Commentary Paperback