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Goodwill, sometimes purchased but often more significantly internally generated, is the major constituent of the value of many listed companies. Accounting aims to provide users of financial statements with useful information, and
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Based on both theoretical and empirical approaches, the essays in this volume emphasise the role of ethics in a globalized economy.
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The recent banking crisis has brought into question the business model used by most large banks. This collection of essays explores the success of 'alternative banks' - savings banks, cooperative banks and
A critical examination of the operations of the Federal Reserve in regulating the growth of money and credit and determining the structure of interest rates.
This book offers a concise and accessible overview and analysis of the place of large multinational and regional corporations in the political economy of global governance.May argues that not only do corporations
The free movement of capital and payments within the EU and between the EU and third countries is an essential component in establishing the internal market in financial services. This work provides
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This is the first systematic attempt to explore the causal relationship between financial market reform and financial crisis in an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. It examines the political underpinnings of financial policy-change
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Marcus Warren's book provides a broad coverage of economic theory, analysis and policy relevant to most undergraduate students studying economics as part of their degree. Specifically it is designed for students studying
As China began its economic reforms in the late 1970s and made a transition from planned to a market economy, corporate governance of the banking sector became an increasingly pressing issue. Further,
China and the ASEAN region have risen rapidly to a position of immense economic significance in the global economy. Academics, policy makers and businesses are all keen to understand more about taxation
The selection of papers presented here reflects the depth and breadth of the research interests of European scholars in financial economics. Topics discussed include asset pricing in the context of perfect markets
The crisis of the current global financial order is challenging us to critically reflect on how this order has been driven, and the development outcomes produced by its central political and economic
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The financial crisis that started in 2007 is a concern for the world. Some countries are in depression and governments are desperately trying to find solutions. In the absence of thorough debate
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This book investigates the impact of both real and financial integration to growth and to welfare, and to enquire whether increases in either or both forms build the linkage between the real
With twenty-one years' experience in the investment bond business, Raymond uses his experience in this study to demonstrate the key issues related to state, county, municipal and district bonds through the use
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State And Municipal Bonds Hardcover
Property Development includes such considerations as the objectives, functions, roles and methods of operation of all those involved in the development process, the financial aspects of development, social considerations, planning matters, and
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Property Development Hardcover
The 2008 financial crisis has severely shaken confidence in liberal economic theory and policy. However, the sharply divergent experiences of the six Anglo-Saxon 'liberal market economies' (LMEs) suggest that the reality is
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Domestic and foreign financial assets of all central banks and public wealth funds worldwide are estimated to have reached more than 12 trillion US dollars in 2007. How do these institutions manage
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There are many practical textbooks explaining how taxation is applied and calculated but few ever deal thoroughly with the theory behind the practice. This book concisely addresses the principles and theories behind
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Drawing upon established academic theory, the study argues that the Big Four, as part of a globalizing transnational capital class, has dominated indigenous firms by bringing to China an ideology that came
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