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Games are poised for a major evolution, driven by growth in technical sophistication and audience reach. This work reveals that the key to good design is leveraging player psychology: understanding what's memorable,
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Find out from an industry veteran exactly what you need to do to become a game designer, tester, artist, producer, programmer, writer, soundtrack composer, videographer, or sales/marketing professional. You’ll get full-spectrum coverage
From Windows Solitaire to Bejeweled to Wii Tennis, casual games have radically changed the landscape of games. By simplifying gameplay and providing quick but intense blasts of engaging play, casual games have
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Uncover the secrets of the game industry's best programmers with the newest volume of the Game Programming Gems series. With over 60 all new techniques, Game Programming Gems 4 continues to be
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The Destiny Grimoire Anthology is a must-have collectible lore compendium assembled for Destiny's devoted and enlightened scholars and lore lovers, as well as fans of fantasy and science fiction storytelling.
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