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The world was surprised in August 1971 when India and the Soviet Union signed a treaty of mutual military protection. The author traces the history of economic relations between the two powers
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India& 39 S Economic Relations With The Ussr And Eastern Europe 1953 To 1969 Paperback
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What makes someone an evil person? How are evil people different from merely bad people? Do evil people really exist? Can we make sense of evil people if we mythologize them? Do
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The Fiction Of Evil Paperback
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As the first international conflict of the twentieth century, the Russo-Japanese War attracted much contemporary global interest. This text was the first full-length study to examine the war from the perspective of
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The Last Interview - Conversations With Giovanni Tesio Paperback
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Describes the culture and people of Tibet and the key elements of Buddhist teachings.
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Christopher Hookway presents a series of essays on the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1913), the "founder of pragmatism" and one of the most important and original American philosophers. Peirce made significant
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Revivals are outbursts of religious enthusiasm in which there are numerous conversions. In this book the phenomenon of revival is set in its broad historical and historiographical context. David Bebbington
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Lord Byron described Greece as great, fallen, and immortal, a characterization more apt than he knew. Through most of its long history, Greece was poor. But in the classical era, Greece was
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Crusades covers seven hundred years from the First Crusade (1095-1102) to the fall of Malta (1798) and draws together scholars working on theatres of war, their home fronts and settlements from the
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This bookexplores how the notion of human identity informs the ethical goal of justice in human rights. Within the modern discourse of human rights, the issue of identity has been largely neglected.
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History and collective memories influence a nation, its culture, and institutions; hence, its domestic politics and foreign policy. That is the case in the Intermarium, the land between the Baltic and Black
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One hundred years ago, during Easter Week, 1916, rebel Irish leaders and their followers staged an armed uprising in the city of Dublin in an attempt to overthrow British rule and create
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This volume gathers eleven new and three previously unpublished essays that take on questions of epistemic justification, responsibility, and virtue. It contains the best recent work in this area by major figures
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Knowledge Truth And Duty - Essays On Epistemic Justification Responsibility And Virtue Hardcover
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Konrad Heiden was an influential journalist and historian of the Weimar Republic and Nazi Eras. He became an early critic of National Socialism after attending a party meeting in 1920. First published
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This book brings together the work of established researcher Professor David Phillips, in one authoritative volume. Including key chapters on education in Germany from the last three decades, topics range from historical
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Historian James Douglass proves not only that there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK, but more importantly (for the first time) explains WHY.
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Jfk And The Unspeakable - Why He Died And Why It Matters Hardcover
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In their search for truth, contemporary religious believers and modern scientific investigators hold many values in common. But in their approaches, they express two fundamentally different conceptions of how to understand and
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Music was integral to the profound cultural, social and political changes that swept the globe in 1968. This collection of essays offers new perspectives on the role that music played in the
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R. W. Seton-Watson (1879-1951) was a British historian and activist who played an important role in European political affairs, most notably during the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. First published in 1934,
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