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This book examines the effects of the moral rhetoric of the market concept of justice on our understanding of justice. Market theory's elevation of the role of commutative justice, or justice in
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The Islamic perception of the socio-economic process is dynamic and its insistence on social justice is uncompromising. To produce the best social structure, according to this view, man's economic endeavours should be
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The recent resurgence of Islam in the Middle East is a far more complex phenomenon than is often suggested by those analyses which reduce recent developments in the area to no more
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The revaluation of the yen in 1985 helped stimulate a dramatic increase in the already high level of Japanese outward investment. Few developed countries do not now host a large and growing
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George Baden-Powell, KCMG (1847-98), graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, before studying at the Inner Temple in London. After a varied career as a commissioner in Victoria in Australia, the West Indies, Malta
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This edited collection assesses the level of financial integration in the European Union (EU) and the differences across the countries and segments of the EU financial system. Progress in financial integration is
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This book examines how the Cambridge School economists, such as J. M. Keynes, constructed revolutionary theories and advocated drastic policies based on their ideals for social organizations and their personal characteristics. Although
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This book introduces economic theory by concentrating on some of the most important matters with which theory deals. Beginning by developing the general criteria of efficiency in the allocation of resources between
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The International Mining Forum is a recurring event, hosted by the University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland, bringing together an international group of scientists, including those working in rock mechanics
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Changes in the field of central banking over the past two decades have been nothing short of dramatic. They include the importance of central bank autonomy, the desirability of low and stable
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The collapse of Barings bank and the currency crisis in Mexico are just two instances of stress in an international financial system still largely governed by the institutions established by the Bretton
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The Chinese government has frequently been criticized for propping up anti-democratic governments. This book investigates the rise of China as an emerging authoritarian power. By comparing China's bilateral relations to three Asian
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Focuses on the global issues of volatility in equity and foreign exchange markets. This title provides an overview of general issues regarding world capital markets, experience in developing countries and capital market
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As the country's workforce ages, the changing labor market must address unique challenges as well as surprising opportunities. This book presents leading scholars and researchers providing valuable insights into the challenges facing
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Early in the new millennium it appeared that a long period of financial crisis had come to an end, but the world now faces renewed and greater turmoil. This 2010 volume analyses
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Mention North Korea to people and they will conjure up many unflattering images, particularly in the wake of George W. Bush denouncing the state as part of an axis of evil .
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In an era of dramatic transformation, this book examines the role of the private sector in China's economic growth, controversially suggesting that it has been driving the reform. The contributors provides an
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An invaluable work which serves as an introduction to the subject and as a reference for all those who need to remain up-to-date with economic thinking.
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Winner of the Schumpeter Prize, 2000 and Winner of the Smith Prize in Austrian Economics, 2000, this book explores how the limitations of human knowledge create both opportunities and problems in the
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