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Social Economics holds a place in the literature of the Austrian School such as John Stuart Mill's Political Economy holds in the literature of classical theory. It sums up, systematises and extends
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How does free trade affect workers in developing countries? Economic theory tells us that developing country firms will respond to free trade by shifting production towards the abundant pool of low-skilled labor.
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Originally published in 2005, Weather Derivative Valuation covers all the meteorological, statistical, financial and mathematical issues that arise in the pricing and risk management of weather derivatives. There are chapters on meteorological
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These lectures are concerned with the origins of the distinctive policies of the so-called Stockholm School of Economics, of which Lundberg was a leading member. He explores the historical development of the
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Innovation, Industry Evolution and Employment offers an important new cross-disciplinary approach to one of the most important problems in modern economics, creating employment and economic growth. Presenting original theoretical and empirical research
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Over the past ten years, economic volatility has come into its own after being treated for decades as a secondary phenomenon in business cycle literature. This evolution has been driven by the
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Nuclear Implosions tells the story of a state government agency's failed attempt in the 1970s to build five large nuclear power stations in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Facing huge
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