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Tracing the history of the telecommunications highway, this text explains the technological uncertainties and many of its futuristic services. It examines the impact of financial, policy, business, and consumer issues that effect
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This text addresses Internet and multimedia issues from an international perspective by outlining issues of international sovereignty and the potential impact of national interests on global technology policy. It supplies a survey
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Written for the beginning computing student, this text engages readers by relating core computer science topics to their industry application. The book is written in a comfortable, informal manner, and light humor
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This text strikes a good balance between rigor and an intuitive approach to computer theory. Covers all the topics needed by computer scientists with a sometimes humorous approach that reviewers found refreshing.
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Learn how to maximize the use of mobile devices, make the most of the latest online tools for collaboration and communications, and fully utilize today's Internet capabilities with DISCOVERING COMPUTERS ESSENTIALS (c)2016.
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