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Offering a reflection, prayer, and action for each day of the year, God Grant Me. . . serves as a steady spiritual companion for individuals making their way along the often-tumultuous recovery
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This book shows you how to contact the angels, particularly the powerful archangels, one step up from the guardian angels. The energies of Gabriel, Zadkiel, Uriel, Chamuel, Michael, Raphael and Jophiel are
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A work of popular philosophy from an Eastern perspective, this analyses our perennial search for happiness and explains why we can't find it in modern lifestyles, pleasure or fame. It enlists the
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An uplifting collection of spiritually illuminating texts and powerfully thought-provoking real life stories, showing death as an integral part of life. Modern medical advances have resulted in death and dying becoming a
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To serve the evolution of consciousness and the realization of true spirituality, sex--both as psychological impulse and as raw drive--must be purified of misuse and coercive force and refined into an enlightened
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This collection of exercises, meditations and spiritual practices for self-development is selected from material given by Rudolf Steiner to members of his Esoteric School. Here is explanatory material to deepen and enhance
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Take a trip through time to uncover the mysterious Essene knowledge and secrets that Jesus was taught. * Did Jesus really die on the cross? * Who was Mary Magdalene and what
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