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Reshaping Education In The 1990S - Perspectives On Primary Schooling Paperback
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Differentiating By Student Learning Preferences - Strategies And Lesson Plans Paperback New
Robert Starratt, a teacher of people in leadership positions, presents the foundations for the theory of leadership. Based on a framework divided into building blocks, various concepts of leadership such as values,
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The Drama Of Leadership Paperback
Reconstructing Identities In Higher Education - The Rise Of Third Space Professionals (Paperback),9780415614832
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Reconstructing Identities In Higher Education - The Rise Of & 39 Third Space& 39 Professionals Paperback
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Contents:1. Skilful Class Management 2. Different Views 3. First Encounters 4. The Two Rs - Rules and Relationships 5. Skills, Strategies and Decision-making 6. Developing and Enhancing Competence
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Class Management In The Primary School Paperback 2ND Edition
An exploration of the key issues in the teaching of mathematics, a key subject in its own right, and one that forms an important part of many other disciplines. The volume includes
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Effective Learning And Teaching In Mathematics And Its Applications Paperback
Focusing on relationships between teachers and pupils in the classroom, this book explores ways of using ideas in transactional analysis to create win-win situations in the classroom, making a pleasant and productive
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Behaviour Management In The Classroom - A Transactional Analysis Approach Paperback
This book provides a step-by-step handbook on the processes involved in the design of modules and programmes, showing how to successfully develop courses that meet quality, assessment and other key criteria.
This text supplements the training currently being offered to all secondary English departments. It offers a view of the place of the English "strand" in the overall Key Stage 3 strategy and
In our digital age of the Internet and World Wide Web the opportunities to enable truly flexible learning in most educational situations are exciting, challenging and widespread. This book is about learning,
Breakdown looks at what is happening in teaching today. Why breakdowns have become so common, what it means to suffer a breakdown, and the consequences of this epidemic for schools and children.
Today's education-as-business environment means that many professionals working in higher and further education need developed business and promotion skills in order to ensure that their course, department or institution maximizes its potential.
This work sets out to help teachers assess pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties, multisensory impairments and other complex needs in a relevant and meaningful way. It offers teachers structure, guidance
Aimed at students in initial teacher training and newly-qualified teachers, this text provides practical advice on meeting the needs of pupils whose behaviour is often a challenge in managing learning and teaching
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This introduction to the field of teaching the very able child provides practical help on meeting their needs within the mainstream school, and advice on formulating and developing effective whole-school policy. This
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Teaching The Very Able Child - Developing A Policy And Adopting Strategies For Provision Paperback
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This book explores the development and current classroom applications of hardware and software for primary mathematics. The authors review available software (including data handling programs, Logo and control, ILS, maths adventures and
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Using Ict In Primary Mathematics - Practice And Possibilities Paperback
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This practical book aims to help teachers and lecturers to exploit the full potential of IT in teaching. From the fundamentals, such as buying the right computer, through to desktop publishing, databases
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500 Computing Tips For Teachers And Lecturers Paperback 2ND Edition