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Tropica Tissue Culture - Pogostemon Deccanensis (Erectus) PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. The Indian Pogostemon Deccanensis (erectus) forms compact groups of
Tropica Tissue Culture - Staurogyne repens PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant
Tropica Tissue Culture - Helanthium Tenellum Green PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Previously named Echinodorus tenellus 'Green'. This small rosulate plant will
Tropica Tissue Culture - Utricularia graminifolia PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Utricularia graminifolia from Asia belongs to the bladderwort family. All
Tropica Tissue Culture - Glossostigma Elatinoides PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Glossostigma elatinoides from New Zealand is much in demand in
Tropica Tissue Culture - Micranthemum callitrichoides Cuba PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Micranthemum callitrichoides Cubais one of the smallest aquarium plants
Tropica Tissue Culture - Micranthemum tweediei Monte Carlo PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Micranthemumtweediei'Monte Carlo'originates from Argentina. It has compact, round
Tropica Tissue Culture - Rotala indica Bonsai PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Rotala indica 'Bonsai' is best described as a compact,
Tropica Tissue Culture - Alternanthera reineckii Mini PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. This miniature
Tropica Tissue Culture - Gratiola Viscidula PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Gratiola viscidula originates from Northern America and is relatively new
Tropica Tissue Culture - Marsilea Minuta PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. This small fern comes from Asia, where it often grows
Tropica Tissue Culture - Taxiphyllum Spiky PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Spiky is Asiatic
Tropica Tissue Culture - Leptodictyum riparium PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Leptodictyum riparium is a slender, upright moss that tolerates both
Tropica Tissue Culture - Marsilea hirsuta PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Marsilea hirsuta is a carpet-plant from Australia. A fascinating plant,
Tropica Tissue Culture - Taxiphyllum Flame PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Asian Flame moss
Tropica Tissue Culture - Taxiphyllum barbieri PLEASE NOTE: TISSUE CULTURE PLANTS CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED VIA PREMIUM SHIPPING. PLEASE SELECT THIS OPTION AT CHECKOUT. Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Taxiphyllum barbieri from
Tetra Goldfish Flake Food Flake food for all goldfish and other coldwater fish. Product Information Optimally balanced flake mixture for a varied diet contains all important nutrients as well as trace elements promotes health, natural coloring and
Tetra Goldfish Flake Food Flake food for all goldfish and other coldwater fish. Product Information Optimally balanced flake mixture for a varied diet contains all important nutrients as well as trace elements promotes health, natural coloring and
Tetra Air Stones Fine-pored Air Stones for optimum oxygen supply in all aquariums. Fine-beaded and uniform discharge of air Full use of pump performance due to low-pressure resistance durable high-quality production Ideal in combination with Tetra APS
Tetra Air Stones Fine-pored Air Stones for optimum oxygen supply in all aquariums. Fine-beaded and uniform discharge of air Full use of pump performance due to low-pressure resistance durable high-quality production Ideal in combination with Tetra APS
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