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Anointing Oil - Exodus 30 Glass bottle - 10ml Excerpt out of the Bible, Exodus 30:22-33 22 Then the Lord said to Moses, 23 Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels[a] of liquid myrrh, half
Anointing Oil - Frankincense Blend 10ml glass dropper bottle We have made and bottled a small bottle of diluted Frankincense oil, blended into extra-virgin Olive oil to cut the cost of the oil
Night of Peace - Shepherds Field - Bethlehem - DVD 1999 Jubilee celebration of the Birth of Christ in Shepherd's Field in Bethlehem Running time 22:49
Cleaning Powers Incense Sticks 20 sticks per package (one tube) Priced for one tube Each stick burns for 20 to 30 minutes. Packaging might differ
White sage Aroma Fume Briquettes Aroma Fume Briquettes - White Sage Aromafume incense brick is enriched with various natural ingredients including aromatic woods, exotic flowers, natural barks, tree extracts, resins, leaves and flowers White sage
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