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Offers a comparative study of two collections of early Christian texts: the "New Testament"; and the "Apostolic Fathers". This second volume deals with the important debates concerning these texts such as baptism,
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This volume presents twenty of the most important interviews the journal, "Cogito" conducted between 1987 and 1996. Covering a wide spectrum of intellectual inquiry, from logic to metaphysics to philosophy of mind,
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In the preface to his "Philosophical Investigations" Ludwig Wittgenstein expresses pessimism about the culture of his time and doubts as to whether his ideas would be understood in such a time: 'I
📱 Philosophy
Is the world of appearances the real world?Are there facts that exist independently of our minds?Are there vague objects?Russell on Metaphysics brings together for the first time a comprehensive selection of Russell's
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John Zizioulas is widely recognised as the most significant Orthodox theologian of the last half century and acclaimed advocate of ecumenism. From his indepth knowledge of the intellectual resources of the Church,
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For the last 100 years historians have denigrated the psychology of the Critique of Pure Reason. In opposition, Patricia Kitcher argues that we can only understand the deduction of the categories in
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