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Genova adopts a new approach to Wittgenstein by making central the question of his philosophical style and reveals how Wittgenstein's peculiar style of writing elucidates his conception of philosophy.
📱 Philosophy
This work discusses the reconciliation of inevitable self-concern with its manifest potential for harm. It brings together the efforts of 23 important philosophers to address the question of how to bring about
📱 Philosophy
A study of the debate that began as modern science separated itself from natural philosophy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The book explores the two dominant approaches to causation, as a
📱 Philosophy
These essays challenge the private/public split that assumes ethics is a private, individual concern and politics is a public, group concern. They address philosophical issues and controversies of interest to feminists, including
📱 Philosophy
"Thinking Matter" is an original and provocative look at the nature of consciousness. While many contemporary philosophers have downplayed the significance of the body and subscribed to a brain/body dualism in human
📱 Philosophy
The first anthology to present the range of the forms of evil, from vice, sin, cruelty and crime to disobedience and wilfulness. The readings are drawn from an array of perspectives and
📱 Philosophy
Being and Worth argues that beings both in the natural and human worlds have worth in themselves by extending recent depth-realist philosophy to the question of values.
📱 Philosophy
By posing the question of what it is that marks the difference between something like terrorism and something like civil society, Brassington argues that commonsense moral arguments against terrorism or political violence
📱 Philosophy
Dealing with the relationship of faith and reason, the fifteen sermons represent John Henry Newman's resolution of the conflict between heart and head that so troubled believers, non-believers, and agnostics of the
📱 Philosophy
In this new introduction to a classic philosophical text, David Stern examines Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations.
📱 Philosophy
Peter Berger is the most influential contemporary sociologist of religion. This collection of essays is the first in-depth study of his contribution to the field.
📱 Philosophy
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