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With his original, informative, often comical stories, Twidle brings a sense of play to subjects often dealt with in predictable or self righteous ways. He covers routine, politics, public transport - and
Looking back over the last quarter of the 20th-century, Stanley Renshon provides a comprehensive account of how the issue of character has come to dominate presidential campaigns. He traces two related but
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Native Life in South Africa is one of South Africa?s great political books. First published in 1916, it was first and foremost a response to the Native?s Land Act of 1913 and
Why is public space disappearing? Why is this disappearance important to democratic politics and how has it become an international phenomenon? Public spaces are no longer democratic spaces, but instead centres of
Charts the development of non-governmental and non-profit organizations in China since the late 1970s. This book recounts how, after the 1978 reforms, new organizations outside of the state system increased in number,
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