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For centuries, democracy and development have steered the imagination of governments, citizens, intelligentsia and policymakers alike. Democracy without free media is a contradiction, while development without democracy is futile. Highlighting the power
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Screening The Public Sphere - Media And Democracy In India Paperback
The Cognitive Psychology of Planning assesses recent advances in the scientific study of the cognitive processes involved in formulating, evaluating and selecting a sequence of thoughts and actions to achieve a goal.
The impetus for this volume came from the editors' belief that most current research and thinking about personnel selection and assessment in organizations considered only the perspective of the employer. The job
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Personnel Selection And Assessment - Individual And Organizational Perspectives Paperback
This text examines the concepts which are fundamental to everyday nursing practice. Understanding how individuals function psychologically in health and illness is vital to providing appropriate care for all patients and clients.
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Essential Psychology For Nurses And Other Health Professionals Hardcover
In Trauma, Culture, and Metaphor, John Wilson and Jacob Lindy explore the language of both individual and collective trauma in an era dominated by globalization and interconnectedness. Through lucid, careful discussion, this
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Trauma Culture And Metaphor - Pathways Of Transformation And Integration Paperback
This text, a collaboration between a clinical psychologist and a cognitive psychologist, offers a cognitive account of depression.
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Affect Cognition And Change - Re-modelling Depressive Thought Paperback Revised
Treating Mind and Body examines the recent history of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and medicine in Germany through a series of essays by Geoffrey Cocks. Review: -[T]his account of the recent history of psychotherapy,
When this monograph was first published in 1872, there already existed a good deal of thought on facial expression via the study of physiognomy; this work, notes Charles Darwin (1809-82), was full
Hurt feelings are universal and are present in human beings as well as in animals. These feelings are usually avoided by human beings and overlooked by the scientific and professional mental health
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Hurt Feelings - Theory Research And Applications In Intimate Relationships Paperback New
Originally published in 1933 as part of the Cambridge Psychological Library, this book by English psychologist James Ward is largely based on his influential article for the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia
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Psychological Principles Paperback
From his groundbreaking book Speech Acts to his most recent studies of consciousness, freedom and rationality John Searle has been a dominant and highly influential figure amongst contemporary philosophers. This systematic introduction
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John Searle Paperback
Originally published in 1937, this collection of lectures by psychologist Charles S. Myers examines the applications and implications of psychology on a variety of topics, including musical appreciation and choosing a career.
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In The Realm Of Mind - Nine Chapters On The Applications And Implications Of Psychology Paperback
Provides a clear picture of therapeutic role playing - the most naturalistic form of psychotherapy - and explains how it us used and for what purposes. A rationale for its value and
Advertising, materialism and consumption are central aspects of contemporary Western culture. We are bombarded with idealised images of the perfect body, desirable consumer goods, and affluent lifestyles, yet psychology is only just
Originally published in 1937, this book presents a comprehensive analysis of the nature of visual perception. The text is divided into four main sections: the first part focuses on tracing the phenomenal
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Visual Perception Paperback
Originally published in 1981, this study presents Jung's theory of adult personality development, and analyses and interprets in its biographical and historical context the genesis and development of Jung's theory of the
Psychology for the Classroom: Constructivism and Social Learning provides a lively introduction to the much debated topics of talk and group collaboration in classrooms, and the development of interactive approaches to teaching.
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Psychology For The Classroom: Constructivism And Social Learning Hardcover New
This compilation of conference proceedings consists of 44 separate chapters or selections that are spread over about ten sections. The sections deals with such topics as historical and epistemological factors, cognitive and
In the past few decades, the humanities and social sciences have developed new methods of reorienting their conceptual frameworks in a 'world without frontiers'. In this book, Bernadette M. Baker offers an
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William James Sciences Of Mind And Anti-imperial Discourse Hardcover New