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Space junkies and armchair astronauts are provided with comprehensive, handy references for a variety of space-related missions, vehicles, and concepts in this pocket-sized series. Compiled with the cooperation of NASA, each topic-specific
Many important advances in designing earthquake-resistant structures have occurred over the last several years. Civil engineers need an authoritative source of information that reflects the issues that are unique to the field.
Gentrification remains a subject ofheated debate in the public realm as well as scholarly and policy circles. This Reader brings together the classic writings and contemporary literature that has helped to define
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The Gentrification Reader Paperback
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images
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The Last Boer War Paperback
History & Philosophy
The Solutions Manual to accompany Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences 2e contains fully-worked solutions to all end-of-chapter discussion questions and exercises featured in the book. The manual provides helpful comments and
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Solutions Manual To Accompany Physical Chemistry For The Life Sciences Paperback
Quasibrittle (or brittle heterogeneous) materials are becoming increasingly important for modern engineering. They include concretes, rocks, fiber composites, tough ceramics, sea ice, bone, wood, stiff soils, rigid foams, glass, dental and biomaterials,
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Probabilistic Mechanics Of Quasibrittle Structures - Strength Lifetime And Size Effect Hardcover
The world around us is continually being shaped by science, and by societys relationship to it. In recent years sociologists have been increasingly preoccupied with the latter, and now in this fascinating
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Science In Society - An Introduction To Social Studies Of Science Paperback English
Brand new book by two well-known experts in the field of microscopy; ; Replaces the best selling Introduction to the Optical Microscope by Savile Bradbury which was the first title in the
This book is a practical guide to electron diffraction in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). Case studies and examples are used to provide an invaluable introduction to the subject for those new
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Electron Diffraction In The Transmission Electron Microscope Paperback
Updating the extremely successful Wildlife Toxicology and Population Modeling (CRC Press, 1994), Wildlife Toxicology: Emerging Contaminant and Biodiversity Issues brings together a distinguished group of international contributors, who provide a global assessment
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Wildlife Toxicology - Emerging Contaminant And Biodiversity Issues Hardcover
This new and completely updated edition gives a detailed description of radiative transfer processes at a level accessible to advanced students. The volume gives the reader a basic understanding of global warming
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Radiative Transfer In The Atmosphere And Ocean Hardcover 2ND Revised Edition
Throughout the ages, comets, enigmatic and beautiful wandering objects that appear for weeks or months, have alternately fascinated and terrified humankind. The result of five years of careful research, Atlas of Great
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Atlas Of Great Comets Hardcover
This advanced textbook is the first to explore the consequences of plant dispersal for population and community dynamics, spatial patterns, and evolution. It successfully integrates a rapidly expanding body of theoretical and
Biological Sciences
With a multidisciplinary perspective, Planning Power examines British and French colonial town and country planning efforts in Africa. Drawing out similarities in the colonial administrative and economic strategies of the two powers,
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Planning Power - Town Planning And Social Control In Colonial Africa Hardcover
Proper handling and restraint are essential to the welfare of captive animals, allowing them to be examined, groomed and treated in ways that contribute to their optimum quantity and quality of life.
Biological Sciences
This richly-illustrated reference guide presents innovative techniques focused on reducing time, cost and risk in the construction and maintenance of underground facilities: A primary focusof the technological development in underground engineering is
Perfluoroalkyl substances are compounds that have been around since the 1950s. Only recently has their adverse human health and ecological consequences become known. There are books that either investigate the chemistry or
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Perfluoroalkyl Substances In The Environment - Theory Practice And Innovation Hardcover
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When dealing with rock in civil engineering, mining engineering and other engineering, the process by which the rock fails under load should be understood, so that safe structures can be built on
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Rock Failure Mechanisms - Illustrated And Explained Hardcover New