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Ethanolic extracts of: Aloe cut, sennae leaves cut, campher natural, rhubarb root cut, zedoary root cut, purging cassiatheriak (without sea onion cut), Angelica root cut, guggal cut, carline root cut & saffron whole
Ethanolic extracts of: Aloe cut, sennae leaves cut, campher natural, rhubarb root cut, zedoary root cut, purging cassiatheriak (without sea onion cut), Angelica root cut, guggal cut, carline root cut & saffron whole
Each Capsule contains: Dong Quai ext 230mg Dong Quai root pwdr 230mg
📱 Health Aids
Ingredients Ashwagandha Extract, Astragalus Extract, B-Complex Powder, Beta Carotene, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Chromium Polynicotinate, Cinnamon Bark Extract, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Forskohlin Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Gotu Cola Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Liquorice Extract, L-Methionine, Nettle
📱 Health Aids
Ingredients Ashwagandha Extract, Astragalus Extract, B-Complex Powder, Beta Carotene, Calcium D-Pantothenate, Chromium Polynicotinate, Cinnamon Bark Extract, Citrus Bioflavonoids, Forskohlin Extract, Ginger Root Extract, Gotu Cola Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Liquorice Extract, L-Methionine, Nettle
📱 Health Aids
To help banish fever blisters for keeps. Prevents future outbreaks if used prior to or during exposure to sun and wind. Good results on unsightly and painful blisters. It contains l-Lysine, lemon balm,
Beeswax, Honey & Propolis and natural enzymes to help banish stubborn cases of psoriasis, eczema, old dead skin flakes on elbows and heels, ringworm & other skin disorders that have already broken
📱 Skin Care
Nature Fresh - Aloe & Propolis Toothpaste 100ml For sensitive teeth, ulcers, bleeding gums, tooth extractions and post-op care. Also to keep in the mouth against sore teeth, wounds and in extraction
📱 Oral Care
Easy to use: No violent or purgative effects. For kids and pets too 45% Olive leaf : Anti-Microbial good for Candida, colds & flu, high blood pressure, stimulate circulation, worms, & flukes. 25% Artemesia Afra
📱 Health Aids
With herbal extracts: olive leaf, tea tree oil, cloves, Aloe Ferox bitters to fight and protect against germs in mouth and throat. Also herbs to help soothe, ease pain and help with
📱 Oral Care
Adequate calcium, boron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, copper and trace elements are essential for health and vitality. A pH balance of 7 ensures easy assimilation and helps to eliminate toxins. Promotes hard, strong nails,
📱 Health Aids
For fungal infections: douche and for washing. Tea Tree cleanser helps to deodorize and protect us from fungal and bacterial infections. Herbal extracts of Tea Tree, Rooibos, lavendar, rosemary, calendula and witch
📱 Skin Care
Mild, hypoallergenic suitable for douche or washing. Use in the shower or as a soothing bubble bath. Gentle and soothing with herbal infusions of Rooibos, lavendar, calendula and witch hazel.
📱 Skin Care
Inthusiasm based in Johannesburg, South Africa is 20 years young. Specialising in natural and organic make-up, Inthusiasm has developed one of the most revolutionary natural beauty ranges, and is the
📱 Cosmetics
Convenient tablets, same formulation. (calcium citrate / ascorbate). Used extensively by top SA doctors, therapists and gynecologists to treat osteoporosis. Also for general aches and pains, acidity, weak fingernails, loose teeth, weakened
📱 Health Aids
This deluxe sharpener sharpens any lip or eye pencil with ease no breaking. It was been tested at an organic show and hundreds of pencils were sharpened, without breaking. A must
📱 Cosmetics
Ingredients: Aloe Bitters (Crystals), Barberry Root, Bifidobacter bifidus, Black Walnut Hulls, Cascara Sagrada, Cayenne Powder, Cloves Powder, Dandelion Root Powder, Ginger Root Powder, Grape Fruit Seed Extract, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lecithin Powder, Malic Acid,
📱 Health Aids
Willow - ADDEX (ADD) 60caps A combination of nutrients aimed at stabilising blood sugar, increasing adrenal function, raising low blood pressure and relieving brain fog,ADD, autism and poor concentration. Ingredients: ADDEX (60)is a supplement offered
📱 Health Aids
Willow - ADHD Ingredients: 5HTP, Calcium Ascorbate, Calcium D-Pantothenate (B5), Chromium Polynicotinate, GABA, L-Glycine, L-Taurine, Magnesium Glycinate, Oatstraw (Avena Sativa) Extract, Pine Bark Extract, Pyridoxine HCL (B6), Valerian Root Powder, Vanadium AAC, Vitamin B-Complex Disclaimer The
📱 Health Aids
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