4 452 products for "Military"
Analyses the influences of ideas of honour on the causes, conduct, and endings of wars from Ancient Greece through to the war in Iraq. This book reveals that the contradictory behaviour of
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Military Honour And The Conduct Of War - From Ancient Greece To Iraq Hardcover
Historical Study
This text is the second of three volumes written by Colonel Glantz on the contribution of intelligence and deception operations to the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany. It examines the area where
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The debate about the "Military Revolution" has been one of most controversial and exciting areas of discussion and research in the fields of early modern European history and military history. This book
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The Military Revolution Debate - Readings On The Military Transformation Of Early Modern Europe Paperback
History & Philosophy
Examines the revolution in military affairs (RMA) that is underway as a result of changes in information and communications technologies, looking at how the US experience can benefit smaller states' military transformations.
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Military Transformation And Strategy - Revolutions In Military Affairs And Small States Hardcover
United States Military Reservations National Cemeteries And Military Parks: Title Jurisdiction Etc. (Paperback),9781313816670
History & Philosophy
United States Military Reservations National Cemeteries And Military Parks. Title Jurisdiction Etc (Paperback),9781314532517
History & Philosophy
Shaping US Military Law - Governing A Constitutional Military Hardcover New Edition
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Shaping Us Military Law - Governing A Constitutional Military Hardcover New Ed
Constitutional Law
Military Culture And Education - Current Intersections Of Academic And Military Cultures Hardcover New Edition
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Military Culture And Education - Current Intersections Of Academic And Military Cultures Hardcover New Ed
Making The Military Moral - Contemporary Challenges And Responses In Military Ethics Education Hardcover
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Making The Military Moral - Contemporary Challenges And Responses In Military Ethics Education Hardcover
Social Sciences
Pantalone - Grey Military
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Pantalone - Grey Military
When Finland gained its independence from Russia in 1917, the country had not had a military for almost two decades. The ensuing creation of a new national conscript army aroused intense but
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