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9 223 products for "introduction"


Providing a comprehensive and accessible orientation to the field of medieval manuscript studies, this lavishly illustrated book by Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham is unique among handbooks on paleography, codicology, and manuscript
📱 Art
A treatise on the issues and conflicts present in philosophy, this book examines ethics, the philosophy of law, the nature of moral judgement, philosophy of science, problems of personal identity, the philosophy
📱 Philosophy
This is the second edition of the textbook on race and ethnic relations, which has been adopted by academic and vocational courses and which is designed to be a straightforward introduction to
📱 Education
The focus of this book is on the management of the geoenvironment. It seeks to explain how, through an understanding of the environmental processes that take place in rocks, soils, waters, sediments,
📱 Nature
"Lakatos: An Introduction" provides a thorough overview of both Lakatos's thought and his place in twentieth century philosophy. It is an essential and insightful read for students and anyone interested in the
📱 Philosophy
This text provides a concise and comprehensive introduction to key immunotoxicological issues for all those interested in, but with no prior knowledge of, this area of toxicology.
📱 Medical
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