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This book goes beyond the media presentation of the impact of Islam in the Middle East to consider the reality that lies behind it.
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Revising the 1997 first edition, this study covers events that occurred in Oldham and Bradford after the year 2000. The rise of right-wing extremist groups is put under scrutiny in a number
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This volume represents an approach to the analysis of glass and paint as they occur as trace evidence in forensic cases. Each chapter is written by an expert in their particular area.
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Examining, in the widest sense, the changes in political philosophy that have occurred in Western capitalist states since the early 1980s, this book focuses on the introduction of neo-liberal principles in the
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What is the relationship of gender to the micropolitics of school reform? The timely research question is explored in this book which will open the 'black box' of secondary school reform. Teachers
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The current emphasis on individualised intervention programmes for students with special needs may not only be impractical, but also undesirable. This book compares and contrasts special needs approaches with school effectiveness strategies.
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Written specifically for postgraduate students carrying out small-scale research projects in and around their work environment and for those undertaking research projects as part of their higher education courses.
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Sociologies of Knowledge examines knowledge and educational policy in a changing political, economical and social environment. As the nature and role of knowledge in education is changing, so therefore is the way
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Through an investigation of the reportage in 19th-century English metropolitan newspapers and illustrated journals, this book begins with the question "Did anti-O'Connell sentiment in the British press lead to 'killing remarks', rhetoric
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Historically, the study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting has largely been within the context of Western economies. However, in the wake of highly publicized incidents such as Bhopal and the struggle
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In Britain during the late 1970s and early 1980s, a new phenomenon emerged, with female guitarists, bass-players, keyboard players and drummers playing in bands. Before this time, women's presence in rock bands,
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