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The plaza has been a defining feature of Mexican urban architecture and culture for at least 4,000 years. Ancient Mesoamericans conducted most of their communal life in outdoor public spaces, and today
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Wrestling with the Angel addresses the human struggle to cope with death, dying, grief, and bereavement. The book includes essays, a one-act play, a short story, and poetry, including shape poems, rhyming,
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That which does not kill us makes us stronger. (Nietzsche) The phenomenon of positive personal change following devastating events has been recognized since ancient times, but given little attention by
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Although the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, has become synonymous with the United States planetary exploration during the past half century, its most recent focus has been on Mars. Beginning in
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In the United States, the soaring cost of health care has become an economic drag and a political flashpoint. Moreover, although the country's medical spending is higher than that of any other
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'Professor Stazi's volume on biotechnological inventions is an excellent work that any scholar or practitioner in this complex area of law should not only read, but also frequently consult. This detailed, systematic
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The volatility of financial returns changes over time and, for the last thirty years, Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models have provided the principal means of analyzing, modeling, and monitoring such changes.
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Foreword by Tony Press and Foreword by Bernie Funston'As climate change thrusts the Arctic and Antarctic towards the top of the global political agenda, this timely collection provides a broad overview of
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This volume presents a collection of diplomatic documents describing Britains relations with Eastern Europe from 1979 to 1982, with special focus on the crisis in Poland. After coming to power in 1979,
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This book analyses how financial elites in key dollar-holding emerging markets perceive the contest between the euro and the dollar for global currency status. It also assesses how far the Eurozone has
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Rapid changes have taken place in the structure of the global economy, and this book looks at how South Asia can take advantage of these changes. The author argues that the developing
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The History of Gay People in Alcoholics Anonymous documents and honors the ways thousands of LGBT peoplehave carried Alcoholics Anonymous' message. This illuminating chronicle includes interviewsand documents that detail the compelling history,
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This is a highly innovative and stimulating work with the outline of an entirely new approach to massive and rapid shifts in opinion and communication. It discusses and explains such mysterious phenomena
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