9 559 products for "society"
Law State And Society Hardcover
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Law State And Society Hardcover
Social Sciences
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A revised edition of the popular paperback first published in 1975, Society in Colonial North Carolina describes day-to-day life in the state before the American Revolution. The volume discusses such topics as
Music In American Society Hardcover
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Music In American Society 1776-1976 - From Puritan Hymn To Synthesizer Hardcover
Social Sciences
This book adopts a critical criminological approach to analyze the production, representation and role of crime in the emerging international order. It analyzes the role of power and its influence on the
Social Sciences
During the past ten years the terms public sociology, civil society, and governance have been used with increasing frequency to describe a wide array of political and social practices. Nickel provides a
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Public Sociology And Civil Society - Governance Politics And Power Hardcover
Social Sciences
Pliny sketches a theory of advancing moral decline and extravagance, in the course of which he gives a detailed account of six centuries of classical art and a fascinating sketch of the
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Pliny On Art And Society - The Elder Pliny& 39 S Chapters On The History Of Art Paperback
Unlike other books on civil society in Russia which argue that Russia's civil society is relatively weak, and that democratisation in Russia went into reverse following Vladimir Putin's coming to power, this
Social Sciences
This book is among the first to address the issues raised by the International Criminal Court (ICC) from an International Relations perspective. By clearly outlining a theoretical framework to interpret these issues,
Social Sciences
Democratic institutions should promote accountability of government officials to the needs of citizens. Civil society plays a role in exposing corruption as well as in communicating the needs of low-income residents to
Social Sciences
In Conflicts in the Knowledge Society, Sebastian Haunss demonstrates how conflicts relating to the international system of intellectual property have resulted in new cleavages in the knowledge society. Furthermore, he argues that
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Conflicts In The Knowledge Society - The Contentious Politics Of Intellectual Property Paperback
Migrant organizations are of vital importance for countries of residence and countries of origin, but the empirical and theoretical knowledge of the cross-border character of migrant organizations remains incomplete. It is clear
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Migration And Organized Civil Society - Rethinking National Policy Paperback
Social Sciences
British society changed radically in the 21st century. Any political party dedicated to preserving the Britain of 1900 would have faced, over time, either major problems of adjustment or the possibility of
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Competition And The Corporate Society - British Conservatives The State And Industry 1945-1964 Paperback
History & Philosophy
When the general public follow the Olympic Games on television, on the internet, even in the newspapers, they feel like they have themselves experienced the performances of the athletes. This book explores
Unlike other books on civil society in Russia which argue that Russia's civil society is relatively weak, and that democratisation in Russia went into reverse following Vladimir Putin's coming to power, this
Historical Study
Bhutan's education sector has attracted international attention for recent reforms driven by the national development philosophy of Gross National Happiness, which aspires to balance change with the continuity of tradition. This book
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Education And Society In Bhutan - Tradition And Modernisation Hardcover
Social Sciences
Tavistock Press was established as a co-operative venture between the Tavistock Institute and Routledge Kegan Paul (RKP) in the 1950s to produce a series of major contributions across the social sciences.
The Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) is world's largest civil society movement fighting against poverty and inequality, incorporating over 100 affiliated country-level coalitions. It has become a significant global actor
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Civil Society And Global Poverty - Hegemony Inclusivity Legitimacy Paperback
In Sanctified Violence in Homeric Society, Margo Kitts focuses on oath-making narratives found in the Iliad through which she articulates a theory of ritualized violence. She analyzes ritual paradigms, metaphors, fictions, and
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Sanctified Violence In Homeric Society - Oath-making Rituals In The Iliad Paperback
Collecting, whether by individuals or institutions, is a form of consumption. In this revised paperback edition, Russell W. Belk examines the relationship between the development of the consumer society and the rise
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