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The question of how birds migrate over enormous distances with apparently minimal guidance continues to excite both professional and amateur ornithologists. The second edition of this text has been extensively revised, expanded,
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The spirits of the Bird Tribes, America's prehistory inhabitants, explain the "Great Day of Purification", the 24-year earth cycle that began last August and must cleanse the planet before the actual dawning
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This book should be of value to anyone interested in bird evolution and taxonomy, biogeography, distributional history, dispersal and migration patterns. It provides an up-to-date synthesis of current knowledge on species formation,
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Why does Monkey fear Leopard? Why does the Reed Warbler babble? How did Jabulani outwit the Lion? These and other intriguing questions are answered in When Bat was a Bird. Twenty-four fresh
The History of British Birds reviews our knowledge of avifaunal history over the last 15,000 years, setting it in its wider historical and European context. The authors, one an ornithologist the other
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Vernon R.L. Head offers a novel of profound political dances, capturing ideas within our vast divides of separation, prompting a way for Africa to share solutions and leadership. Under the shadows of
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