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329 769 products for "light"


Type 1 (it has no colour index number). Fast drying, and low oil content, lead stannate, toxic.A soft, lemony shade of yellow, Lead Tin Yellow Light is a fantastic product to blend
In 1985, following extensive research, Old Holland presented a revolutionary range of 168 oil paints, each with the highest degree of lightfastness. Traditional, non-lightfast pigments were replaced with modern lightfast pigments with
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Sennelier Abstract is a high-quality fine acrylic paint made in France, packaged in a flexible pouch.The flexible air air-tight pouches can be firmly resealed with the nozzle, which means paint stays wet, workable, and all
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A white, lightweight paste that spreads like icing sugar, QoR Light Dimensional Ground can be applied smoothly and thinly, or can be built up to create ridges, peaks and other interesting textures. This absorbent ground
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QoR retains the best qualities of traditional watercolours, while expanding the range and versatility of each colour. QoR's exclusive binder (Aquazol) provides a greater density of colour than conventional watercolours, offering vivid depth of colour
Cadmium Yellow Light Hue (PY53 PY138 PY3) is a clean lemon yellow. It creates clean mixtures and strong tints with all the richness of a classic cadmium colour.Lightfastness: ExcellentStaining: Low-StainingTransparency: Semi-TransparentGranulation:  NoDaniel Smith's goal is to make the painting process as memorable
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QoR retains the best qualities of traditional watercolours, while expanding the range and versatility of each colour. QoR's exclusive binder (Aquazol) provides a greater density of colour than conventional watercolours, offering vivid depth of colour
12% OFF
QoR retains the best qualities of traditional watercolours, while expanding the range and versatility of each colour. QoR's exclusive binder (Aquazol) provides a greater density of colour than conventional watercolours, offering vivid depth of colour
12% OFF
QoR retains the best qualities of traditional watercolours, while expanding the range and versatility of each colour. QoR's exclusive binder (Aquazol) provides a greater density of colour than conventional watercolours, offering vivid depth of colour
12% OFF
QoR retains the best qualities of traditional watercolours, while expanding the range and versatility of each colour. QoR's exclusive binder (Aquazol) provides a greater density of colour than conventional watercolours, offering vivid depth of colour
Cadmium Red Light: Orange/red first synthesized in 1910. Because of its muted tints, excellent colour for natural light painting.Pigment: Concentrated cadmium sulfo-selenide (PR 108)Vehicle: Alkali refined linseed oilLightfastness I, Series 5, OPAQUEpdf=Gamblin
The colour of the first shoots of spring grass-bright and warm.Pigment: Arylide yellow, chlorinated copper phthalocyanine (PY 74, PG 7)Vehicle: Alkali refined linseed oilLightfastness I, Series 2, SEMI-TRANSPARENTpdf=Gamblin Artists Oil Permanent Green
Cadmium Yellow Light: Cadmium Yellow Light is a bright, cool chemically pure Cadmium colour - one step warmer than Gamblin's Cadmium Lemon. Excellent opacityPigment: Concentrated cadmium zinc sulfide (PY 35)Vehicle: Alkali refined
Hansa Yellow Light: Hansa Yellows are not Cadmium wannabes! Coolest yellow. Cleaner in masstone, brighter in tint, more transparent, try using Hansa Yellow Light instead of Cad Yellow Light where transparency is
Horadam Gouache offers excellent flow properties. The range of 48 finest gouache colours may be diluted with water and can also be mixed within the range. After drying it can be wetted
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• The paint of the Expert Series is pasty, allowing you to work with it using both a brush and a painting knife.• This acrylic paint contains the highest possible concentration of
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• The paint of the Expert Series is pasty, allowing you to work with it using both a brush and a painting knife.• This acrylic paint contains the highest possible concentration of
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