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2 428 products for "acrylic paint"
7% OFF
Chemical Description: InorganicPigment Type: Amorphous
CarbonLightfastness: 1Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength:
StrongColour Index Name: PBk 7Opacity or Transparency:
TransparentCarbon Black is a Series 1 transparent colour. It has a
masstone of strong neutral black, with a similar undertone.Atelier
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Carbon Black
8% OFF
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Organic Arylamide
Yellow and Pthalo Blue shaded with Inorganic Trans Red
OxideLightfastness: 2Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength:
StrongColour Index Name: PY 74, PB 15.3, PR 101Opacity or
Transparency: TransparentForest Green is a Series
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Forest Green
8% OFF
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Inorganic
Titanium, Inorganic Yellow Ochre, Organic Arylamide
YellowLightfastness: 1Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength:
StrongColour Index Name: PW 6, PY 42, PY 74LFOpacity or
Transparency: OpaqueNaples Yellow is a Series 1 opaque colour. It
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Naples Yellow
8% OFF
Pigment Type: Ultramarine & Carbon BlackLightfastness:
1Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength: StrongColour Index Name: PB
29, PBk 7Opacity or Transparency: TransparentPayne's Grey is a
Series 2 transparent colour. It has a masstone of a deep blue grey,
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Paynes Grey
7% OFF
Chemical Description: Synthetic Black Iron OxidePigment Type:
Synthetic OrganicLightfastness: 1Permanency: ExcellentPigment
Strength: MediumColour Index Name: PBk 7Opacity or Transparency:
OpaqueMars Black is a Series 1 opaque colour. It has a masstone of
deep rich brown black,
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Titanium shaded
with Organic Dioxazine pigmentsLightfastness: 2Permanency:
ExcellentPigment Strength: StrongColour Index Name: PW 6, PV
23RSOpacity or Transparency: OpaqueBrilliant Violet is a Series 2
opaque colour. It has a masstone of
7% OFF
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Arylamide Yellow,
shaded with Carbon BlackLightfastness: 2Permanency:
ExcellentPigment Strength: MediumColour Index Name: PY 74, PBk
7Opacity or Transparency: TransparentOlive Green is a Series 1
transparent colour. It has a masstone of
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Olive Green
7% OFF
Chemical Description: Synthetic OrganicPigment Type:
QuinacridoneLightfastness: 1Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength:
StrongColour Index Name: PR 122Opacity or Transparency:
TransparentQuinacridone Magenta is a Series 3 transparent colour.
It has a masstone of the cleanest and most powerful cool blueish
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Quinacridone Magenta
7% OFF
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Carbon Black
shaded with inorganic trans red oxideLightfastness: 1Permanency:
ExcellentPigment Strength: StrongColour Index Name: PR 101, PBk
7Opacity or Transparency: Semi-transparentBrown Black is a Series 1
semi transparent colour. It has
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Brown Black
6% OFF
Chemical Description: OrganicPigment Type: Chlorinated Copper
PhthalocyanineLightfastness: 1Permanency: ExcellentPigment
Strength: StrongColour Index Name: PG 7Opacity or Transparency:
TransparentPthalo Green is a Series 1 transparent colour. It has a
masstone of dark moist green with a blue
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Pthalo Green
8% OFF
Chemical Description: Synthetic OrganicPigment Type: Dinitrile
OrangeLightfastness: 2Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength:
StrongColour Index Name: PO 5Opacity or Transparency:
Semi-transparentVermillion is a Series 3 transparent colour. It has
a masstone of deep reddish brown orange, with a orangey
9% OFF
Chemical Description: Coated MicaPigment Type: Inorganic Mica
Flakes coated with Iron OxideLightfastness: NAPermanency:
ExcellentPigment Strength: MediumColour Index Name:
MicaceousOpacity or Transparency: Semi-transparentPale Gold is a
Series 4 semi-transparent colour. It has a masstone of warm
metallic gold,
7% OFF
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Inorganic
Ultramarine, Organic Nap CrimsonLightfastness: 2Permanency:
ExcellentPigment Strength: StrongColour Index Name: PR 48.4, PB
15.3Opacity or Transparency: Semi TransparentPurple is a Series 1
transparent colour. It has a masstone of a
8% OFF
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Organic Arylamide
Yellow and Quinacridone MagentaLightfastness: 2Permanency:
ExcellentPigment Strength: StrongColour Index Name: PY 74, PR
175Opacity or Transparency: TransparentRed Gold is a Series 3
transparent colour. It has a masstone of
7% OFF
Chemical Description: Natural InorganicPigment Type: Natural Iron
OxideLightfastness: 1Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength:
StrongishColour Index Name: PY 42Opacity or Transparency: Semi
OpaqueYellow Ochre is a Series 1 opaque colour. It has a basic
earth colour which can
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Yellow Ochre
8% OFF
Chemical Description: Synthetic OrganicPigment Type: Arylamide
YellowLightfastness: 2Permanency: GoodPigment Strength:
StrongColour Index Name: PY 74Opacity or Transparency:
TransparentTransparent Yellow is a Series 2 transparent colour. It
has a very transparent pigment which is useful for glazing
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Transparent Yellow
8% OFF
Chemical Description: Carbazole DioxazinePigment Type:
OrganicLightfastness: 2Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength: Very
StrongColour Index Name: PV 23RSOpacity or Transparency:
TransparentDioxazine Purple is a Series 3 transparent color. It has
a masstone of a deep purple, with a vivid
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Dioxazine Purple
7% OFF
Pigment Type: Carbon Black shaded with organic Pthalo Green (Blue
Shade)Lightfastness: 1Permanency: ExcellentPigment Strength:
StrongColour Index Name: PG 7, PBk 7Opacity or Transparency:
Semi-transparentGreen Black is a Series 1 semi-transparent colour.
It has a masstone of
Current Offer
Interactive Artists& 39 Acrylic Paint 80ML Tube Green Black
8% OFF
Chemical Description: Mixed PigmentsPigment Type: Carbon Black
shaded with Organic RedLightfastness: 2Permanency: ExcellentPigment
Strength: StrongColour Index Name: PR 112, PBk 7Opacity or
Transparency: Semi-transparentRed Black is a Series 1
semi-transparent colour. It has a masstone of