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41 274 products for "Man"


Contains discussions on such subjects as the ways in which people choose their mates, how the family social system can entrap its members in neurotic games, and the complex nature of marital
The physicist Sir Oliver Lodge (1851-1940) made significant contributions to the study of electrons, electromagnetic waves, X-rays, radio and telegraphy, earning him the Rumford Medal, the Faraday Medal and, in 1902, a
George John Romanes (1848-94) was considered by The Times to be 'the biological investigator upon whom in England the mantle of Mr. Darwin has most conspicuously descended'. Incorporating some of Darwin's unpublished
Originally published in 1899, these writings by George Simmons (1785-1858) complement the work of other officers who served in the famous 95th Rifles between 1809 and 1815. Extremely descriptive and informative, the
Originally published during the early part of the twentieth century, the Cambridge County Geographies were designed to provide a series of concise guides to British regions. Aimed at the general reader, they
The Scotsman George Combe (1788-1858) was an energetic and vocal promoter of phrenology, natural philosophy, and secularism, who rose from humble origins to tour widely in Europe and the United States and
Originally published in 1933, this book contains a selection of various types of historical writing. The text is divided into the following categories: 'History', 'Principalities and Powers', 'Cities of Men', 'War and
In 1884, American historian and philosopher John Fiske published The Destiny of Man, which discussed humanity's origin, destiny and place in the universe. A leading populariser of Darwin's theory in the United
Building a Better Man presents a theory and science based discussion of masculinity in modern America, but it also does much more than that-it interweaves a diverse group of compelling personal stories
The Lowell Institute in Boston, Massachusetts, founded in 1836, supports an annual series of distinguished lectures. Henry Drummond, the influential Scottish scientist, Free Church minister, explorer and evangelist published his Lowell Lectures
Based on the Gifford Lectures of 1937-8 in Edinburgh, Nobel Prize winner Charles Sherrington's 1940 study addresses the nature of the mind and its relationship to life and matter. The book centres
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With an action outfit for every occasion, Traction Man patrols the house. Whether he is saving toys (in latex space suit and Perspex helmet, teamed with Rocket Boots); searching the sink for
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A freshly baked gingerbread man escapes from an old woman, a duck, a cow, and a horse, until a clever fox outwits him.
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