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215 products for "wagner"
Unzeitgemasse Betrachtungen - Richard Wagner In Bayreuth (German Paperback)
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Unzeitgemasse Betrachtungen - Richard Wagner In Bayreuth German Paperback
History & Philosophy
How did the tumult caused by German composer Richard Wagner result in the first modernist painting? In the first full-length book dedicated to the study of Edouard Manet and music, art historian
Richard Wagner In Paris - Translation Identity Modernity Hardcover
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Richard Wagner In Paris - Translation Identity Modernity Hardcover
One Hundred Years of Music provides a full account of the history of music from the death of Beethoven to the modern era. It covers a period of exceptional interest. The last
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One Hundred Years Of Music - After Beethoven And Wagner Paperback 3RD Edition
This work, first published in 1941, indicts Hitler in terms of the Judaic-Christian ethical tradition and locating certain elements of the Nazi worldview in German romantic poetry, music, and social thought. This
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Metapolitics - From Wagner And The German Romantics To Hitler Paperback 2ND Edition
Social Sciences
This is the first of several in-depth studies of Wagner and his music by the renowned music critic Ernest Newman, which led up to the great four-volume biography The Life of Richard
A buddy cop tale like no other! Man and mechanismo, on the mean streets of Mega-City One. The next chapter in the legendary Judge Dredd epic, penned by incomparable Judge Dredd co-creator
Nietzsche's relationship with Wagner has long been a source of controversy and has given rise to a number of important studies, including this major breakthrough in Nietzsche scholarship, first published in 1982.
History & Philosophy
Richard Wagner is remembered as one of the most influential figures in music and theatre, but his place in history has been marked by a considerable amount of controversy. His attitudes towards
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The Cambridge Companion To Wagner - Cambridge Companions To Music Hardcover
Performing Arts
The Wagner Style - Close Readings And Critical Perspectives Paperback
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The Wagner Style - Close Readings And Critical Perspectives Paperback
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