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George Udny Yule (1871-1951) was a British statistician who was influential in the development of modern statistics. Originally published in 1944, this book was formed from Yule's interest in the controversy surrounding
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William Dwight Whitney (1827-94) was the foremost American philologist and Sanskrit scholar of the nineteenth century. After studying in Germany, then at the forefront of linguistic scholarship, he assumed the chair of
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Extending the tradition of this series, which has become a standard reference work in language acquisition, this volume contains chapters on seven more languages, including a section on ergative languages. Languages in
A Study of Mixed Legal Systems: Endangered, Entrenched, or Blended takes the reader on a fascinating voyage of discovery. It includes case studies of a number of systems from across the globe:
Studying for exams, working in teams, writing detailed yet succinct reports and importantly time management aren't second nature to most, so this book provides clear guidance and will be an essential tool
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This is the hands-on study guide to Martin Pring's Technical Analysis classic. Technical Analysis Explained is the definitive guide for mastering technical analysis. In this hands-on companion, technical analysis wizard Martin Pring
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While The Little Red Book interprets the Twelve Steps, the Guide gives newcomers to AA the structure needed to live them.Designed as an aid for the study of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous,
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Contemporary reception study has developed a diversity of approaches and methods, including the institutional, textual, historical, authorial, and reader-response, which, to a greater or lesser extent, acknowledge the various ways in which
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Offers a study of Plato's account of persons, a topic of continuing interest to philosophers. This book locates Plato's psychology within his two-world metaphysics, showing that embodied persons are images of a
📱 Philosophy
Tertullian lived and wrote in Roman Carthage during the reigns of Septimus Severus (193-211) and his son Caracalla (211-217). His voluminous tracts and pamphlets reveal the atmosphere of early Christianity in an
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The laws of animal behavior have been revised and revealed through research performed by zoologists, physiologists and experimental psychologists. Each has contributed much. Their main meeting ground has been the study of
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A revised and enlarged edition of the most powerful and polemic critique of the Anglo-Catholicism movement. This penetrating and highly readable study has established itself over the years as the standard text
📱 Religion
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