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As trade between the East and the West grew in the mid-nineteenth century, increasing numbers of Westerners travelled to China and Japan, and in 1867 this guide to the key port cities
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Known internationally as 'Mr Share Holding', the economist Li Yining has had a transformative impact on China's economic transition, most notably as an early advocate of ownership reforms in the state and
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China's joining the World Trade Organization at the end of 2001 signifies a milestone in the country's global integration after two decades of economic reforms that have fundamentally transformed the economic organization
Since the early 1990s and the end of the Cold War, the implications of China's rising power have come to dominate the security agenda of the Asia-Pacific region. This book is the
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This book explores the question as to whether the way in which Chinese management handles conflict is fundamentally different from elsewhere or much the same. It does so by examining in detail
Exploring an important feature of Chinese culture and civilization - the quest for gentility - over a long period of time (since the seventeenth century/late Ming period), this book examines its meanings
Based on an exploration of original historical records, including comparisons with other forms of ancient theatre, Shen provides an overview of elite theatre in Ming China and examines the details of theatrical
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The Center for China Studies is among China's most influential think-tanks, and its China Studies Reports are read at the highest levels of government. Now for the first time, the most important
Drawing on Chinese sources hitherto unavailable in the West including official documents and interviews with top athletes, the author explores the rise of Chinese super sportswomen and their relationship with politics, culture
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Drawing on interviews with China's foremost sex experts, this book provides a detailed examination of the political, social and moral ramifications of gender, sex and sexuality in China today.
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Western political scientists have tended to neglect the ethnic dimension in China, and have overemphasized the development from large empire to unified nation. This book brings together a number of case studies
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Although the adoption of market reforms has been a key factor leading to China's recent economic growth, China continues to be governed by a communist party and has a socialist-influenced legal system.
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Ancient Chinese society developed a sophisticated and complex bureaucracy which is still in operation today and which had its pristine form in the government of the Western Zhou from 1045 to 771
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The saga of five generations of a Mandarin family in China, ranging from the turbulence of war-torn China during the late nineteenth century to the 1970s is revealed through the adventures of
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Since the mid-1990s, agricultural industrialisation (AI) has been advocated in China to promote rural development by integrating agriculture with the post-harvest sectors such as agro-processing and marketing. Large-scale Dragon head enterprises (DHEs)
Theatre occupied a particularly important place in the life of the elite, for whom owning a theatre troupe was highly fashionable and for whom theatre performances were an integral part of formal
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Among Hills and Valleys in Western China, first published in 1901, is a detailed and accurate picture of missionary work undertaken by Miss Hannah Davies, who had made it her life's work
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