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This book was written with the belief that ordinal statistical methods--sometimes discussed under the title of "nonparametric statistics"--deserve much more serious attention as research tools than they have traditionally had. There are
The purpose of this workbook is to provide students with practice in analyzing second language data. For the student of second language learning, "hands-on" experience with actual data is essential in understanding
The CRC Handbook of Thermophysical and Thermochemical Data is an interactive software and handbook package that provides an invaluable source of reliable data embracing a wide range of properties of chemical substances,
📱 Science
This work provides an in-depth treatment of data flow analysis technique. Apart from including interprocedural data flow analysis, this book is the first to extend detailed coverage of analysis beyond bit vectors.
📱 Software
Analysis of Failure and Survival Data is an essential textbook for graduate-level students of survival analysis and reliability and a valuable reference for practitioners. It focuses on the many techniques that appear
📱 Mathematics
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