93 products for "surfactants"


Provides a wealth of essential material on the surface and adsorption properties of silica. Progresses from theoretical issues to applications containing a historical overview and in-depth considerations of various scenarios of silica
📱 Chemistry
Discusses recent advances in the correlations of structure and reactivity in dispersed systems, analyzing the state of water and other solutes and phenomena. Also reveals information about emulsions and microemulsions, scope, and
📱 Chemistry
"Interfacial Phenomena in Chromatography" presents a combination of chromatographic theory, numerical simulation and experimental data. The text covers the interaction and size exclusion methods of separation, identification and characterization of substances in
📱 Science
This comprehensive guide illustrates the effects of dispersions in applications, the means necessary to achieve these effects with optical results, and how to overcome or avoid the difficulties encountered;emphasizing the dispersions of
📱 Science
Emulsions and Emulsion Stability, Second Edition provides comprehensive coverage of both theoretical and practical aspects of emulsions. The book presents fundamental concepts and processes in emulsified systems, such as flocculation, coalescence, stability,
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This edited volume offers complete coverage of the latest theoretical, experimental, and computer-based data as summarized by leading international researchers. It promotes full understanding of the physical phenomena and mechanisms at work
📱 Science
Since the publication of the first edition of Interfacial Phenomena, the interest in interfaces and surfactants has multiplied, along with their applications. Experimental and theoretical advances have provided scientists with greater insight
📱 Chemistry
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Here is a comprehensive introduction to the highly practical and diverse applications of surfactants within the petroleum industry, detailing their nature, occurrence, physical properties, propagation, and uses. The focus is on the
📱 Technology
An exploration of the surface characteristics of fibres and textiles. It emphasizes how fibre surface affects permeability, stiffness, strength, dyeing, wrinkling, and other performance characteristics to optimize production. It also illustrates methods
📱 Books
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