9 559 products for "Society"
This book, together with a complementary volume Religion in the Neoliberal Age, focus on religion, neoliberalism and consumer society; offering an overview of an emerging field of research in the study of
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Religion In Consumer Society - Brands Consumers And Markets Hardcover New Ed
Political Science
Any agenda for family research in the 1990s must take seriously a contextual approach to the study of family relationships. The editors and contributors to this volume believe that the richness in
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Family Self And Society - Toward A New Agenda For Family Research Paperback
Social Sciences
An enormous acceleration of history has occurred in the current decade, thereby radically changing world society in many respects. The core countries - grouped around the triad formed by the United States,
Presenting an overview of an emerging field in the study of contemporary religion, this book, together with a complementary volume Religion in the Neoliberal Age, explores issues of religion, neoliberalism and consumer
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Religion In Consumer Society - Brands Consumers And Markets Paperback
Business & Economics
Civil society's role in conflict and peace-building is increasingly being recognized: an integral element in conflict, it can act within the conflict dynamic to fuel discord further or to entrench the status
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Conflict Society And Peacebuilding - Comparative Perspectives Paperback
Social Sciences
Commentators have shown how a 'culture of security' ushered in after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 has involved exceptional legal measures and increased recourse to secrecy on the basis of
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Secrecy Law And Society Paperback
Social Sciences
This work aims to introduce students to the wide range of concepts, themes and ideas now regarded as central to political sociology and to draw on the extensive research available. Topics covered
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Politics & Society Paperback
Social Sciences
The essence of the covenant tradition is the idea of human beings freely associating for common purposes through pacts of mutual commitment. In the political realm, the idea of covenant has been
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Covenant And Civil Society - Constitutional Matrix Of Modern Democracy Hardcover New
Social Sciences
First published in 1975. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor Francis, an informa company.
Social Science
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No online description is currently available. If you would like to receive information about this title, please email Routledge at info@routledge-ny.com No online description is currently available. If you would like to
Social Sciences
Meaning, Discourse and Society investigates the construction of reality within discourse. When people talk about things such as language, the mind, globalisation or weeds, they are less discussing the outside world than
For many commentators, global civil society is revolutionising our approach to global politics, as new non-state-based and border-free expressions of political community challenge territorial sovereignty as the exclusive basis for political community
Social Sciences
Analyzing the role of journalists in science communication, this book presents a perspective on how this is going to evolve in the twenty-first century. The book takes three distinct perspectives on this
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Journalism Science And Society - Science Communication Between News And Public Relations Hardcover
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As cultural studies has grown from its origins on the margins of literary studies, it has tended to discard both literature and sociology in favour of the semiotics of popular culture. Literature,
There has been much debate over the idea of the information society . Some thinkers have argued that information is becoming the key ordering principle in society, whereas others suggest that the
First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor Francis, an informa company.
Current Offer
The Mind Of Society Hardcover
Disability sport is a relatively recent phenomenon, yet it is also one that, particularly in the context of social inclusion, is attracting increasing political and academic interest. The purpose of this important
Specialty Travel
Analyzing the role of journalists in science communication, this book presents a perspective on how this is going to evolve in the twenty-first century. The book takes three distinct perspectives on this
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Journalism Science And Society - Science Communication Between News And Public Relations Paperback
Reclaiming Chinese Society analyses the mechanisms, processes and actors producing a wide spectrum of social and cultural changes in reform China. Contrary to most literature that emphasizes economic and political processes at
Social Sciences
Reclaiming Chinese Society analyses the mechanisms, processes and actors producing a wide spectrum of social and cultural changes in reform China. Contrary to most literature that emphasizes economic and political processes at
Social Sciences
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