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5 926 products for "China"
Based on extensive original economic analysis, Chen examines key questions relating to corporate governance in China, including the relationship between ownership structure and corporate performance, the determinants of capital structure, and the
William Jardine Proudfoot (c.1804-1887) published his critique of Sir John Barrow's Travels in China (1804; also reissued in this series) with the agenda of exposing the latter as unreliable and unjust. Barrow
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The essays in this collection examine Sino-Japanese political relations given the phenomenon of 'a rising China and a stagnating Japan', questioning whether their relationship is one of cooperation or conflict. Review: 'Japan's
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Japan& 39 S Relations With China - Facing A Rising Power Paperback
Political Science
Hou proposes to end the dichotomous view of the state and the market, and capitalism and communism, by examining the local institutional innovation in three villages in China and presents community capitalism
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Community Capitalism In China - The State The Market And Collectivism Paperback
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China, like many authoritarian regimes, struggles with the tension between the need to foster economic development by empowering local officials and the regime's imperative to control them politically. Landry explores how the
Social Sciences
How should issues of sexuality and power in China be interpreted? Are China scholars really able to translate linguistically and culturally the 'truth' of China? And to what extent do fieldwork and
In 1792, a British embassy headed by Earl Macartney travelled from Peking (Beijing), China, to Canton (Guangzou) with the aim of improving trade with China. The complete account of the mission was
Historical Study
Urbanization In China Hardcover
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Urbanization In China Hardcover
Social Sciences
Taxation in Modern China is concerned with tax and public financial issues arising in China's economic transition. The contributors, among the leading authorities on public finance, transitional economics and policy reform in
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Taxation In Modern China Hardcover
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Historia De China La
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Historia De China La
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Getting China Wrong
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Getting China Wrong
Entrepreneurship In China
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Entrepreneurship In China
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New Crime In China - Public Order And Human Rights Hardcover Annotated Ed
Social Science
This book is a testament to the accomplishments of Republican studies during the 1980s and early 1990s. Leading scholars review many aspects of contemporary research on the Republican era, ranging from the
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