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7 271 products for "england"
Though recent scholarship has focused both on motherhood and on romance literature in early modern England, until now, no full length volume has addressed the notable intersections between the two topics. This
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Maternity And Romance Narratives In Early Modern England Hardcover New Edition
The interest and importance of the social history of death have been increasingly recognized since the 1970s. Ralph Houlbrooke examines the effects of religious change on the English way of death between
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Death Religion And The Family In England 1480-1750 Paperback Revised
Focusing on the life and work of the evangelical reformer John Bale (1485-1563), Wort presents a study of conversion in the sixteenth century. Wort presents a study of conversion in the sixteenth
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John Bale And Religious Conversion In Reformation England Hardcover
A history of the English music festival is long overdue. Dr Pippa Drummond argues that these festivals represented the most significant cultural events in provincial England during the nineteenth century and emphasizes
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The Provincial Music Festival In England 1784-1914 Hardcover New Edition
Focusing on the period between the Wycliffite critique of images and Reformation iconoclasm, Shannon Gayk investigates the sometimes complementary and sometimes fraught relationship between vernacular devotional writing and the religious image. She
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Image Text And Religious Reform In Fifteenth-century England Paperback
Exploiting a link between early modern concepts of the medical and the literary, David Wood suggests that the recent critical attention to the gendered, classed, and raced elements of the embodied early
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Time Narrative And Emotion In Early Modern England Hardcover New Edition
The early modern period inherited a deeply-ingrained culture of Christian remembrance that proved a platform for creativity in a remarkable variety of forms. From the literature of church ritual to the construction
Focusing on the life and work of the evangelical reformer John Bale (1485-1563), Wort presents a study of conversion in the sixteenth century.
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John Bale And Religious Conversion In Reformation England Paperback
First Published in 1966. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor Francis, an informa company.
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Studies In The Literary Relations Of England And Germany - In The Sixteenth Century Paperback
A classic in the area, originally published in 1901, this book is a survey of the past work in the field of philosophy of religion, a conspectus of literature and comparison of
The Reformation changed forever how the sacrament of the Eucharist was understood. This study of six canonical early modern lyric poets traces the literary afterlife of what was one of the greatest
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Eucharist And The Poetic Imagination In Early Modern England Paperback
Since early times, agriculture has been pivotal to England's economy. This is the two-part seventh in a magisterial seven-volume, eight-piece compilation by the economist James E. Thorold Rogers (1823-90), which represents the
James Neild (1744-1814), penal reformer and philanthropist, first became interested in the welfare of prisoners after visiting a friend jailed for debt. He went on to investigate prisons across Britain, France, Flanders,
Political Science
Lisa H. Cooper offers new insight into the relationship of material practice and literary production in the Middle Ages by exploring the representation of craft labor in England from c.1000-1483. She examines
First published in 1777 by the philanthropist John Howard (1726-90), this work was intended for as wide a readership as possible. Based on research from more than 300 visits to at least
Political Science
This book investigates how bishops deployed reward and punishment to control their administrative subordinates in thirteenth-century England. Bishops had few effective avenues available to them for disciplining their clerks and rarely pursued
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Bishops Clerks And Diocesan Governance In Thirteenth-century England - Reward And Punishment Paperback
Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (1829-94) published this three-volume account of the English criminal law's historical development in 1883, four years after his appointment as a judge of the High Court. It is
Constitutional Law
Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (1829-94) published this three-volume account of the English criminal law's historical development in 1883, four years after his appointment as a judge of the High Court. It is
Constitutional Law
Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (1829-94) published this three-volume account of the English criminal law's historical development in 1883, four years after his appointment as a judge of the High Court. It is
Constitutional Law
The jurist Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (1829-94) published this work in 1863 to provide the intelligent layman with a general account of the workings and principles of English criminal law. He begins