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In this brilliant cultural and intellectual history, Oppenheim shows how British doctors and patients made sense of the problem of depression. Physicians searched for physical causes for mental illness, believing the nervous
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Shows how the English came to believe between 1500 and 1740. This work examines social policy and institutions such as workhouses and hospitals in order to illustrate how contemporaries tried to shape
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This book considers the ideological development of English Catholicism in the sixteenth century, from the complementary perspectives of history, theology, and literature. The author shows that Catholicism in this period was neither
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Making babies was a mysterious process in seventeenth-century England. Fissell uses popular sources - songs, jokes, witchcraft pamphlets, prayerbooks, popular medical manuals - to recover how ordinary men and women understood the
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The Victorian crisis of faith has dominated discussions of religion and the Victorians. Stories are frequently told of prominent Victorians such as George Eliot losing their faith. This crisis is presented as
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The Stage and Social Struggle in Early Modern England is a ground-breaking study of a controversial period of English literary, cultural, and political history. In language that is both lucid and theoretically
Dangerous Sexualities examines the ways in which perception of health and disease are linked to moral and immoral notions of sex and makes use of historical narratives to underpin contemporary debates concerning
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The enduring power of many antebellum American texts trace their inspiration to Puritanism. From Melville's preposterous but irresponsible quarrels with God to Hawthorne's instructed yet edgy evocations of earlier New England, to
This collection of essays examines the nature of the family in the early modern period. The book gives readers an overview of how feminist historians have been interpreting the history of the
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The area known as Dogtown-an isolated colonial ruin and surrounding 3,000-acre woodland in seaside Gloucester, Massachusetts-has long exerted a powerful influence over artists, writers, eccentrics, and nature lovers. But its history is
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