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The Selection Of Textbooks (Paperback)
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The Selection Of Textbooks Paperback
Over the past fifteen years Northeast Asia has witnessed growing intraregional exchanges and interactions, especially in the realms of culture and economy. Still, the region cannot escape from the burden of history.
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History Textbooks And The Wars In Asia - Divided Memories Hardcover New
There are frequent protests that a biased, nationalistic history is taught in Japanese schools. This study analyses authorised textbooks currently in use, elucidating meanings and associated ideologies created through language.
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Teaching Statistics Using Baseball is a collection of case studies and exercises applying statistical and probabilistic thinking to the game of baseball. Baseball is the most statistical of all sports, since players
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Teaching Statistics Using Baseball Paperback 2ND Revised Edition
Textbooks As Propaganda - Poland Under Communist Rule 1944-1989 (Paperback)
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TextBooks As Propaganda - Poland Under Communist Rule 1944A1989 Paperback
The idea of using functionals of Information Theory, such as entropies or divergences, in statistical inference is not new. However, in spite of the fact that divergence statistics have become a very
This book shows how grammar helps people communicate and looks at the ways grammar and meaning interrelate. The author starts from the notion that a speaker codes a meaning into grammatical forms
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A Semantic Approach To English Grammar Paperback 2ND Revised Edition
An examination of the variety of ways people make judgments, this work features coverage, including perspectives from evolutionary psychology and neuroscience. It covers dynamic decision making, everyday decision making, individual differences, group
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Judgment And Decision Making - Psychological Perspectives Paperback New
Textbooks As Propaganda - Poland Under Communist Rule 1944-1989 Hardcover
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Textbooks As Propaganda - Poland Under Communist Rule 1944-1989 Hardcover
History Textbooks And The Wars In Asia - Divided Memories Paperback
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History Textbooks And The Wars In Asia - Divided Memories Paperback