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11 products for "candle ear"


Ear candling is an ancient technique that is a gentle way to remove accumulated ear wax and relieve pressure in your ear canals that may be causing you some discomfort. A build-up
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About Ear Candles The ear canal is gently filled with warm air, softening the earwax. The propolis vapours heal and protect the ear. The heat also enhances blood flow within the ear canal,
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13% OFF
About Ear Candles The ear canal is gently filled with warm air, softening the earwax. The propolis vapours heal and protect the ear. The heat also enhances blood flow within the ear canal,
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Sefudun Beeswax Ear Candle areeasy to use: Each ear wax candle contains a safety circle indicating when to end the burning of the ear candle. The discs prevent burnt residue from entering the
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