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4 products for "celestron skyprodigy 6 telescope"


Celestron has reinvented the manual telescope with STARSENSE EXPLORER DX 6-the first telescope that uses your smartphone to analyze the night sky and calculate its position in real time. StarSense Explorer is
📱 Optics
Portability and serious performance come together in the NexStar 6 SE. Celestron's first new Schmidt-Cassegrain optical system in over a decade is now available in a high performance Altazimuth computerized telescope. With
For all Schmidt-Cassegrains. It threads onto the rear cell. A T-Adapter allows you to attach your 35mm SLR camera to the prime focus of your telescope or spotting scope. This arrangement
If you are looking to move up to a higher quality eyepiece the Omni series provides more enhanced features in a wider selection of focal lengths. Celestron designed this series with the
📱 Telescopes
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