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Don't miss out on this exciting offer from us! Celestron Starsense Explorer Dx 6 Telescope
4 products for "celestron skyprodigy 6 telescope"
Celestron has reinvented the manual telescope with STARSENSE EXPLORER DX 6-the first telescope that uses your smartphone to analyze the night sky and calculate its position in real time. StarSense Explorer is
Portability and serious performance come together in the NexStar 6 SE. Celestron's first new Schmidt-Cassegrain optical system in over a decade is now available in a high performance Altazimuth computerized telescope. With
Spotting Scopes
For all Schmidt-Cassegrains. It threads onto the rear cell. A T-Adapter allows you to attach your 35mm SLR camera to the prime focus of your telescope or spotting scope. This arrangement
If you are looking to move up to a higher quality eyepiece the Omni series provides more enhanced features in a wider selection of focal lengths. Celestron designed this series with the