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The long-intertwined communities of the Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge Reservation and the bordering towns in Sheridan County, Nebraska, mark their histories in sensational incidents and quiet human connections, many recorded in detail
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These collected talessome taller than othersoffer revealing glimpses into how and why West Texans are different. Rugged enough to make the harshest of environments their own, this species thrives in hundred-degree-plus heat
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In these classic stories acclaimed author Jack Schaefer yet again captures the spirit and adventure of the Old West. First Blood, Schaefers follow-up to Shane, tells the tale of Jess Harker, a
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The story of Chris McCandless, who in 1992 walked deep into the Alaskan wilderness and whose SOS note and emaciated corpse were found four months later. The text also investigates what makes
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Readers searching for courage and adventure will find just that and more in the engaging prose of Jack Schaefer in this vintage collection of Western vignettes. Exploring varied tales of life in
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