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What are the right ways to behave and the right ways to treat other people? Ethics are the rules and guidelines that we use to make judgements of right and wrong. Psychologists
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How do leaders influence the people around them? Is leadership about having particular personality traits? This book looks at how to be an effective leader. It presents a model of leadership that
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Learning in groups allows students to have greater scope to negotiate meaning and express themselves and their own ideas. This book offers advice and practical exercises to develop group learning skills for
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Takes the reader through a child's development by describing the specialist work of the art therapist in each developmental stage. This book demonstrates the theoretical base of art therapy presenting areas of
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Constructivist psychotherapy focuses on the meaning that clients attribute to their world, and the way that this shapes their life and contributes to their difficulties. In this book, Robert A. Neimeyer, a
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Asian American men represent a complex group with distinct psychological and mental health concerns, yet the current counseling literature is lacking in resources for clinicians working with this population. The purpose of
📱 Psychology
The idea that teachers love children is often taken for granted in education. Rarely is the idea of love itself examined. Bringing together the work of educators, curriculum theorists, and clinical psychoanalysts,
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This volume represents a definitive collection of the most current theory, research, and practice in the area of combat and operational stress management, edited by two experts in the field. In this
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The Dream Experience provides the mental health professional witha systematic scientific basis for understanding the dream as a psychological event. Milton Kramer's extensive research, along with the findings of others, establishes that
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This study will analyze the complexity and flexibility of gender relations in Igbo society with emphasis on such major cultural zones as the Anioma, the Ngwa, the Onitsha, the Nsukka, and the
📱 Psychology

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