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Moritz von Kotzebue (1789-1861), son of the German dramatist and an experienced seaman and soldier, who had faced Bonaparte's troops on the battlefield, travelled to the court of Fath Ali Shah Qajar
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Narrative Of A Journey Into Persia In The Suite Of The Imperial Russian Embassy In The Year 1817 Paperback
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How does America manage crisis on behalf of international finance in the absence of a global state? Doyran explores the relationship between state power and global finance and in particular examines the
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Sir Henry Holland (1788-1873) was a passionate and intrepid traveller from a young age. In addition to a distinguished career as court physician - first to Caroline of Brunswick, then to Queen
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Travels In The Ionian Isles Albania Thessaly Macedonia Etc. - During The Years 1812 And 1813 Paperback
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Item response theory (IRT) has moved beyond the confines of educational measurement into assessment domains such as personality, psychopathology, and patient-reported outcomes. Classic and emerging IRT methods and applications that are revolutionizing
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Handbook Of Item Response Theory Modeling - Applications To Typical Performance Assessment Hardcover
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This book demonstrates how to conduct latent variable modeling (LVM) in R by highlighting the features of each model, their specialized uses, examples, sample code and output, and an interpretation of the
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Meridian Township
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Meridian Township Paperback
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The macroeconomic development of most major industrial economies is characterised by boom-bust cycles. Normally such boom-bust cycles are driven by specific sectors of the economy. In the financial meltdown of the years
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Financial Assets Debt And Liquidity Crises - A Keynesian Approach Paperback
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Written by one of the foremost experts on the business cycle, this is a compelling and engaging explanation of how and why the economic downturn of 2007 became the Great Recession of
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The Roller Coaster Economy - Financial Crisis Great Recession And The Public Option Paperback
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The goal of this book is to identify and develop new materials approaches based on the direct-write technique (transfer method) and to demonstrate the required electronic or other device performances (chem/bio sensors,
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Materials Development For Direct Write Technologies: Volume 624 Paperback
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Oxide materials are emerging as potential candidates for a variety of existing and new optoelectronic and microwave applications. Critical to enabling this development is the need to have high-quality materials and to
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Materials Science Of Novel Oxide-based Electronics: Volume 623 Paperback
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First published in 1933, this title presents the inner workings and diplomatic culture of the League of Nations in Geneva, at a time when the increasing strain of international relations was beginning
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The League On Trial Routledge Revivals - A Journey To Geneva Paperback
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The MRS Symposium Proceeding series is an internationally recognised reference suitable for researchers and practitioners.
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Chemical Perspectives Of Microelectronic Materials: Volume 131 Paperback
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French explorer Rene Caillie (1799-1838) was the first European to document a successful expedition to Timbuktu, Africa's elusive 'city of gold'. Europeans were not welcome there, and until Caillie's expedition no explorer
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French explorer Rene Caillie (1799-1838) was the first European to document a successful expedition to Timbuktu, Africa's elusive 'city of gold'. Europeans were not welcome there, and until Caillie's expedition no explorer
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The subject is Virtual Roaming for data services and Seamless Technology change also called Number Continuity . Virtual Roaming for voice and SMS was covered in one of the author's previous book.
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Virtual Roaming Data Services And Seamless Technology Change - GSM LTE Wifi Satellite Cdma Hardcover
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This book analyses the particle-related processes involved in the generation of discolouration problems in the network. To this end, new measuring methods have been developed such as continuous monitoring of turbidity and
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The end of the Cold War demonstrated the historical possibility of peaceful change and seemingly showed the superiority of non-realist approaches in International Relations. Yet in the post-Cold War period many European
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The Return Of Geopolitics In Europe? - Social Mechanisms And Foreign Policy Identity Crises Paperback
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Explorer and naturalist Thomas Thomson (1817-78) led an intrepid life. He started his career as an assistant surgeon with the East India Company and soon became a curator of the Asiatic Society's
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Mindfulness is both the latest craze and an ancient practice. There have been many scientific studies that attest to the benefits of mindfulness: increasing selfawareness; making better choices; reducing stress and not
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Moran concentrates on three aims: to provide an overview of British military intelligence operations in the last 30 years which concentrates on operational not strategic intelligence; to examine the debates over ethics
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